Teller Report

International report - Covid-19 in the United States: the number of homeless in New York is likely to increase sharply

4/22/2020, 10:25:18 PM

While in the United States it is marginalized Americans who have been most affected by the pandemic, the crisis has shown in an even more raw way the inequalities and the fragility of society…

Covid-19 in the United States: the number of homeless in New York is likely to increase sharply

Audio 02:40

A homeless woman on a street in New York city, March 17, 2020. REUTERS / Eduardo Munoz

By: Carrie Nooten Follow

While it is the marginalized Americans who have been most affected by the pandemic in the United States, the crisis has shown inequality and the fragility of society in an even more brutal manner. In New York, the current epicenter of the epidemic, one in 125 is homeless. Before the health crisis, there were already 70,000 homeless people - a record since the 1929 crisis.


A million New Yorkers have lost their jobs since the closure of non-core businesses and an explosion in the homeless population is expected. The authorities are trying to take the lead and compensate for the solidarity system, upset by the confinement.

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See also the files of RFI Savoirs  on the Covid-19:
Birth of a pandemic
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•  The history of epidemics

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  • United States
  • Economic crisis
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