Teller Report

In Kiev, reported on the preparation of new lists of prisoners of war with Donbass

4/22/2020, 6:55:12 PM

Participants in the videoconference of the humanitarian subgroup to resolve the situation in southeastern Ukraine continued to create lists for a new exchange of prisoners between Kiev and the self-proclaimed people's republics of Donbass, the office of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky said.

β€œIn the humanitarian group, work continued on the formation of lists for the next stage of the mutual release of detainees,” the press service said.

Earlier Zelensky expressed confidence that he will be able to complete the conflict in the Donbass during his presidential term.

On April 16, Kiev and the representatives of the self-proclaimed DPR and LPR made the first prisoner exchange in 2020 according to the β€œ20 by 14” formula.