Teller Report

Good news, isn't it?

4/22/2020, 2:58:52 PM

Mourning is not only pain and grief. Mourning is the choir exhibition of death. And at this point each one no longer directs it as they would like, but playing the score that was given

Mourning is not only pain and grief. Mourning is the choir exhibition of death . And at this point, each one no longer directs it as they would like, but rather plays the score they give them. And maybe that should be the case. Yesterday I read, for example, that TVE does not embed the black crepe in its broadcasts "so as not to worry the population any more." I do not know when the symbolism began to reveal more truth than the fact it represents . The fact is that this piece of cloth reminds us of the corpses preserved on a skating rink, and the one in this photograph prevents us from forgetting that this is our tragedy. You cannot choose another color. I know this because I can see it, and that, as the experts would say, is good news, isn't it?

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