Teller Report

Deliberation at the British Parliamentary video conference First new corona in about 700 years history

4/22/2020, 10:10:12 PM

The British House of Representatives has led a teleconferencing debate for the first time in nearly 700 years to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus ...

Deliberation at the British Parliamentary video conference First in approximately 700 years of history New Corona April 23, 7:03


In order to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, the British House of Representatives introduced a teleconferencing deliberation for the first time in about 700 years, and members of the parliament asked questions such as from home.

To prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, the British Parliament held its first debate in the form of a videoconference on the 22nd, and Foreign Minister Raab answered the questions from the legislators on behalf of Prime Minister Johnson, who is under medical treatment.

Up until now, members of the parliament were sitting in the parliament without any gaps, but from this time on, the number of participants in the parliament is limited to 50. Up to 120 other members can participate using the video conference system. It is supposed to.

Multiple screens were set up in the chamber, and Foreign Minister Raab was answering the questions from the members of the assembly displayed on the screen.

In the British Parliament, the members of the parliament usually blew off a fierce gangster, but on this day there was an unprecedented sight of questions and answers in a quiet parliament.

One of the lawmakers who attended from home posted on Twitter, "The digital council is tough," along with a photo of a child facing a computer while he was agitating.

These measures are the first in about 700 years of history, and the British Parliament is considering ways to vote remotely.