Teller Report

Caution, States are Closing

4/22/2020, 5:46:12 PM

“The collapse of globalism is the collapse of America. Suddenly, all of a sudden, the American states remembered that all of them were actually independent states, only "united" once upon a time by the ancestors of a tiny minority of citizens. And now they are more comfortable with solving their problems separately, and Federal President Trump is not a decree for them, which was clearly formulated by the Governor of California. US migrants are no longer needed, now they are not blood, but the bacteria that prevent the body from fighting, everything has changed, and very rapidly, in a matter of weeks. ”

US President Donald Trump said he will sign a decree on a temporary ban on US immigration and the termination of work visas. This is done in order to save jobs for those Americans who are fortunate enough to come to the country or be born in it a little earlier.

“In light of the invasion by the invisible enemy, as well as the need to protect the jobs of our wonderful American citizens, I will sign a decree to temporarily suspend immigration to the United States!” - So he announced on Twitter his fateful decree.

So, immigration, the cornerstone of the foundation of American statehood, is not just threatened. I think now we can confidently talk about its removal from the system.

More than once or twice, Trump tried to get to the issues of migration. Suffice it to recall his election campaign four years ago. The famous wall with Mexico seems to be under construction, but somehow it is very leisurely. But it is obvious that migrants annoyed Trump for a long time, systematically and constantly, and now, finally, there was a good chance to resolve the issue completely and radically.

Do not flatter yourself about the "temporality" of the introduced measure. The pandemic has laid off about 20 million Americans, unemployment has already reached the level of the 1940s and is steadily moving towards the 1930s, the time of the Great Depression, when thousands of Americans were starving. (To the side, I note that for some reason everyone knows about the famine in the USSR, which Ukrainians are trying to privatize and declare their personal famine as a famine, but that in the United States the famine in some states was no less serious than in Ukraine, Russia and Kazakhstan, only a few experts know.)

So what do we have at the moment? 20 million Americans without work and no chance to find it. An unprecedented debt accumulated both by Trump's predecessors and by himself. The strongest economic downturn in the history of the country, US GDP in the second quarter of 2020 will fall by 25% in annual terms. And the ongoing epidemic of coronavirus against the backdrop of the strongest confrontation in society - someone requires a stricter quarantine, someone - immediately remove all restrictive measures.

Does one need to be a sage in order to understand that it will not be difficult, but very difficult to restore previous positions? Therefore, there is not the slightest doubt that the discovery of immigration in the near foreseeable future can be forgotten. Even if Trump loses the election and Biden becomes president, the Democrats will also find a reason not to open borders - they are not suicides.

It seems that after all, the thought is material, and Trump's thought, as we see, has significant weight. Whoever before him tried to tighten the rules for arriving in the "land of freedom", but only Trump succeeded.

There is just another eternal truth: be afraid of your desires. Have you ordered an immigration stop? Receive and sign, eat, don’t hang on. After all, Trump, I think, did not specify the conditions that made such an outcome the only possible, sending his mental request to the Universe.

As a result, immigration is closed, but at the same time, the unwavering foundation that has formed the basis of the very essence of America has also become a thing of the past. These are the migrants, migrants, and again migrants who made the United States a great power.

What was the power of the USA based on throughout its short history? Entrepreneurial people, talented in various fields, able to take risks and win, experience strength happiness, lose, rise and do it all over and over again.

Without realizing it, Trump, thinking that he is saving the economy, is blocking the veins of his country through which blood is still running. There are fundamental things that underlie the essence of this or that phenomenon. The USA is a country of migrants, it was so, it is almost gone and now it will soon be completely gone. Trump changes not only physics, but the metaphysics of the process. Does he recognize this and those millions of ordinary Americans who rejoice that migrants will not take their jobs?

The world today is no longer global. Escaping is more convenient in national apartments. The total liberal culturological model imposed on mankind over the past few years crashes. A model that is designed to serve the private, but at the same time global interests of the financial and economic world elites and which, as it turned out, is completely alien to the majority of still original peoples and is incapable in a crisis.

The collapse of globalism is the collapse of America. Suddenly, the American states suddenly remembered that they were all generally independent states, only "united" once upon a time by the ancestors of an insignificant minority of citizens. And now they are more comfortable with solving their problems separately, and Federal President Trump is not a decree for them, which was clearly formulated by the Governor of California. US migrants are no longer needed, now they are not blood, but the bacteria that prevent the body from fighting, everything has changed, and very rapidly, in a matter of weeks.

We have already seen: the 21st century is a time when absolutely everything becomes possible, even the most impossible. The return of the Crimea, Brexit, the election of Trump ... The world is still changing, the borders are moving, that's just the speed has increased multiple.

We will not be tempting: the United States in recent years has too rapidly lost touch with reality. They too cynically and unscrupulously pursued their national interests around the world, did not reckon with anyone and did not put anyone in anything. For them, even “partners” ceased to exist, only subordinates.

But this does not happen: to enrich oneself for a long time and cynically without consequences. Rome collapsed, the Spanish Empire collapsed and, most recently, the British Empire, whose fragment and successor, in fact, are the United States.

Like it or not, God is His laws (for atheists, let it be the laws of the Universe) no one has canceled. The closure of immigration is the beginning of the end of those States that we once knew.

Is this a reason for gloating? I don’t think so. An occasion to draw conclusions? Yes. But, in any case, do not interfere with the "land of freedom" today. It is interesting to observe how history will unfold its course. A fascinating sight.

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the position of the publisher.