Teller Report

Beijing ground public transport passenger volume has returned to the level of 40% before the epidemic

4/22/2020, 8:25:12 PM

  52,000 passengers commute from Beijing to Hebei by
public transportation


  Yesterday, the Beijing Public Transport Group released data. As of now, Beijing ’s ground public transport passenger volume has returned to the level of 40% before the epidemic; 5 inter-provincial routes have been restored, including 4 in Yanjiao and 1 in Gu’an; The line transports 52,000 cross-border commuters daily.

  The number of key public transport security lines increased to 466

  Li Jinpeng, deputy manager of Beijing Public Transport Group's operation and dispatching command center, said that starting from March, the bus passenger flow showed a daily growth trend, and it returned to 30% at the end of the same month last year. Since April, the morning and evening peak commuter traffic has continued to increase, and passenger traffic has also shown an upward trend during low peak hours. As of now, ground public transport passenger traffic has returned to the level of 40% before the epidemic.

  In response to the flexible work system during the epidemic and the shifting to and from work, the number of key public security lines has increased from 76 to 466, and the bus has prepared a schedule for the period of the epidemic to increase the speed of key lines.

  Inter-provincial commuter passenger flow reached 52,000

  The bus group operated 41 inter-provincial and municipal routes. At the end of January, it received a request for the suspension of inter-provincial epidemic prevention and control in Hebei Province. 31 cross-border direct routes have taken suspension measures to reduce the number of passengers. As a result, 10 lines that set up stations within the Beijing municipality have taken measures to operate within the municipality. Up to now, the operation of 4 lines in Yanjiao area and 1 line in Gu'an area has been resumed. At present, more than 350 vehicles have been put into operation daily, with 1500 daily departures and an average of 52,000 cross-province commuters. The capacity input and passenger flow far exceeded the level before the epidemic.

  Among them, the 6 operational vehicles in the early stage of the 818 route recovery, through the cross-regional shunting support measures, have now invested 147 vehicles, which exceeds the normal level of 30 vehicles on the line. The line peak interval is shortened to less than 2 minutes. With the support of Yanjiao, Tongzhou and other territorial governments, public security, transportation departments, etc., a dedicated bus lane has been set up in the Beijing Channel to further shorten the security inspection time and increase the speed of the morning peak.

  Public trucks increase capacity

  Relevant person in charge introduced that on the line where the line capacity is difficult to meet the passenger flow, the bus takes unconventional measures to change the vehicle type and cross-line intermodal transportation to increase the capacity input.

  Among them, after the resumption of production and the resumption of production, the subway life science park station to the environmental protection science and technology park direction, the morning peak passenger flow is relatively concentrated, the small capacity of the ground bus line, the subway life science and technology park station bears the large volume of rail transportation, and the 543 road changes according to the passenger flow Increased capacity in time. However, the overall capacity input is difficult to meet the instantaneous large passenger flow of rail transit. To this end, the bus group replaced all the 20 operating vehicles on the line with 18-meter channel vehicles, and the overall investment in capacity increased by 56% to meet the needs of the public.

  Text / reporter Liu Yang