Teller Report

An American medical official warns of a worse second wave of "corona" in the winter

4/22/2020, 10:16:18 PM

The director of the American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Robert Redfield, said yesterday that there is expected to be a second wave of corona virus emerging in the United States during the coming winter, and it may be much stronger than the first wave, because it will likely start

The director of the American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Robert Redfield, said yesterday that it is expected that there will be a second wave of new Corona virus in the United States during the coming winter, and that it may be much stronger than the first wave, because it will likely start with Flu season begins.

He added, during an interview with The Washington Post: "There is a possibility that the attack of the virus on our nation, in the coming winter, will be more difficult than what we went through."

As the current wave of outbreaks continues to recede, with hospital admission rates declining recently, and other indicators, the authorities must prepare for a possible resurgence of the virus within months.

"We will have the flu pandemic, the Corona epidemic, at the same time," said Redfield. Adding that this double confrontation will make the health care system under greater pressure, compared to the first outbreak.

As public isolation measures gradually ease, Redfield stressed the importance of people's commitment to social estrangement.

In response to a question about a wave of protests over orders to stay in the homes, and calls to "liberate" the states from such restrictions, as the president, Donald Trump, called on Twitter, Redfield said, "This does not help."