Teller Report

3 generations on the cover of the celebrity magazine, People.

4/22/2020, 10:12:46 PM

American actress Goldie Hoon, her daughter, actress Kate Hudson, and her granddaughter, appeared together on the cover of a special annual issue of People magazine the day before yesterday. This is the first time that Hoon, along with her daughter and baby granddaughter Rani Rose Fujikawa, appeared on the cover, on the 30th anniversary of the issue.

American actress Goldie Hoon, her daughter, actress Kate Hudson, and her granddaughter, appeared together on the cover of a special annual issue of People magazine the day before yesterday. This is the first time that Hoon, along with her daughter and baby granddaughter Rani Rose Fujikawa, appeared on the cover, on the 30th anniversary of the special issue, Beautiful, from the magazine specializing in celebrity news.

"They symbolize what is important to us today, which is positivity, affection, laughter, and the family," said Dan Wakeford, People Editor of People magazine.

On the pages of the magazine, Hoon (74 years), the hero of the movie "Private Benjamin", and her daughter Hudson (41 years), the heroine of the movie "The Most Famous", talk about their relationship and the challenges of raising children. "My mom has always been my biggest supporter," Hudson told the magazine. "I hope to give Rani so much confidence." The number to be released on the market tomorrow includes 40 pages with topics on other stars, such as: Gwyneth Paltrow and Rita Wilson.

Actress Michelle Pfeiffer was the first to appear on the cover of the special issue in 1990, when it was called "The Most Beautiful."

Over the years, actress Julia Roberts was chosen five times to appear on the cover of the issue, as was Tom Cruise, Leonardo DiCaprio and Beyoncé. In 2018, the name of the special issue was changed from People magazine to Beautiful.

Dan Wickford:

"These people symbolize what is important to us, at the present time."

Kate Hudson:

"My mother has always been my greatest supporter."