Teller Report

Renan Luce, Pomme, Last Train: let's go for a 100% virtual Bourges Spring

4/21/2020, 12:43:23 PM

Printemps de Bourges should have opened the festival season on Tuesday ... But this year, Printemps Imaginaire replaced it, due to coronavirus. This 100% online festival brings together almost the same artists, for concert, images or video, as desired.

Printemps de Bourges should have opened the festival season on Tuesday ... But this year, Printemps Imaginaire replaced it, due to coronavirus. This 100% online festival brings together almost the same artists, for concert, images or video, as desired.

Today was the start of the Printemps de Bourge, which opens the festival season each year. But with the covid-19, it is one of the first to be canceled, even before we are in confinement. After the abatement, the festival teams have nevertheless developed the Imaginary Spring,  an online festival until April 26, with the same programmed artists, or almost. And the idea for the latter is not only to make concerts from home…

Image, video or concert

Catherine Ringer, for example, will not be live, but will publish one: that of one of her concerts at the Philharmonie de Paris. For singer Apple, this will be a behind-the-scenes video of her Cicada shows. The rock group Last Train will talk about their appearances at the Printemps de Bourges, facing the camera.

>> LIVE - Coronavirus: follow the evolution of the situation Tuesday April 21

The festival's social networks will therefore be well stocked until April 26, where an illustration, a concert or a video, like that of Renan Luce, will be posted almost every 30 minutes, this Tuesday evening at 8 p.m., which takes Barbara from a distance with his musicians.

See this post on Instagram

The names that will punctuate your first day of An Imaginary Spring! #PDBimaginaire No schedules revealed, let yourself be carried away by the inspired and original contributions of the day, impromptu meetings that will not fail to surprise you Also find on our site all the content throughout the day: link in bio

A publication shared by Le Printemps De Bourges (@printempsdb) on April 21, 2020 at 12:15 PDT

"We really need to continue doing our job!"

A creation that helped him to see the better days: "We really need to continue doing our job!", Notes Renan Luce. "It also gives a particular intimacy, which I find also brings emotion, and the feeling of a connection all together in a moment when we sometimes feel a little isolated, disconnected. It is a festival that often makes the great share of discoveries, and for that I have a lot of affection for the Printemps de Bourges. "


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Discovered artists called "Les Inouis", also scheduled. But a festival is not made without public, and even confined, that of the Printemps de Bourges, renamed the Imaginary Spring, is put to contribution. The teams ask the most daring to film themselves by making playback on a defined song, and Tuesday evening, it is Claude François, with Y'a le printemps qui chante !