Teller Report

Nico Rosberg is moved by the solidarity gesture of a taxi driver from Alcorcón

4/21/2020, 6:49:12 PM

The former German driver Nico Rosberg, Formula 1 world champion in 2016, has echoed in his social networks the news of the VTC driver from the Madrid town of Alcor

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The former German driver Nico Rosberg, Formula 1 world champion in 2016 , has echoed in his social networks the news of the VTC driver from the Madrid town of Alcorcón who was honored a few days ago for collaborating in the transfer of sick people COVID-19 from the outpatient to the hospital.

"Very powerful! To all those who continue to support our society and offer help: Thank you! You are a great inspiration, " said the former German driver on his Twitter account, where he shares the video where the driver, José María, is seen. , receiving the ovation from the health professionals.

The workers of the Ramón y Cajal Health Center called him, as they did on a regular basis, to tell him that he had to transfer a patient, but upon arrival, instead of the patient whom he had to transfer, he met with applause from the health workers. from the center, which got to thrill the driver.

Representing all the health workers at the center, one of the professionals gave him an envelope with money that they had collected to compensate for all the careers he had taken to take patients to the hospital or to transport them home after being discharged.

The health workers also gave the altruistic driver the results of the coronavirus test, in which he gave a negative result: " We gave you the COVID-19 test , which you have negative," the health officer who gave him the certificate announced.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Alcorcón
  • Nico Rosberg
  • Twitter
  • sports
  • Stay at home

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