Teller Report

Netflix signs a partnership with French producer MK2

4/21/2020, 8:16:17 PM

It is an event in the world of cinema. The American platform giant Netflix has teamed up with producer MK2 to add masterpieces of the 7th art to its catalog. A boon for…

Netflix signs a partnership with French producer MK2

By joining forces with the French MK2 Netflix widens its offer and gets closer to the cinema of author. REUTERS / Dado Ruvic / Illustration

Text by: Elisabeth Lequeret Follow

It is an event in the world of cinema. The American platform giant Netflix has teamed up with producer MK2 to add masterpieces of the 7th art to its catalog. A boon for subscribers.


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"Les 400 coups", "Baisers volés", "Jules and Jim", "The last metro" and eight other masterpieces by Francois Truffaut will soon be available on Netflix. It's a film buff dream that has just come true.

By signing a partnership with the French group MK2, producer and distributor of a very large number of auteur films, Netflix strikes a big blow. The transfer of rights relates to a total of 50 titles. In addition to Truffaut's works, subscribers will have access to Charlie Chaplins, Alain Resnais, David Lynch, Emir Kusturica, Jacques Demy, Michael Haneke, Xavier Dolan, Steve McQueen and even Krzysztof Kieslowski. These titles will be added to the Netflix catalog during the year.

The platform thus demonstrates a desire to expand its offer, but also to get closer to auteur cinema.

To start, we will be able to view on the platform, as of Friday, April 24, 12 films by François Truffaut (out of the 21 he made).

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