Teller Report

Lukaku: "I swear that 23 of the 25 Inter players were already ill in January"

4/21/2020, 5:41:04 PM

Romelu Lukaku has assured that most of the Inter staff had symptoms of coronavirus after the Christmas holidays and that everyone "coughed and had a fever", and has c

Romelu Lukaku said that most of the Inter squad had symptoms of coronavirus after the Christmas holidays and that everyone "coughed and had a fever", and he confessed that even Slovak central defender Milan Skriniar almost passed out in a match Serie A against Cagliari on January 26.

"We had a week off in December. We came back and I swear that 23 of the 25 players were sick, not a joke. We played at home against Cagliari and after 25 minutes Skriniar had to leave the field . He could not continue and almost passed out "He revealed in a live on Instagram with Belgian presenter Kat Kerkhofs, wife of Naples player Dries Mertens.

The Belgian striker is convinced that they passed COVID-19. " Everyone coughed and had a fever . I was also sick; when I had a fever, I had much more than usual. I have not had a fever in years. After the game there was another dinner with the Puma guests, but I thanked them and left. straight to bed. We were never tested for the coronavirus at that time, so we will never know for sure, "he said.

In addition, Lukaku related what those first weeks of uncertainty were like in the transalpine country before mandatory confinement was decreed. "I returned to Italy. We were allowed to go home for a while, but they quickly called us again. My teammate Diego Godín , for example, had to take three flights to get to Uruguay. After a few days, he had to return In our group chat with the team, we all feared the two-week quarantine, "he said.

Finally, the Belgian international told what his main concerns are. " My mother has diabetes , this is my biggest concern. She is my best friend, I call her every four hours to see if she needs anything. And of course I miss my son Romeo the most. The plan was to bring my mother and son to Italy during the coronavirus epidemic. I have two apartments here, but obviously now is not the time for them to come, "he concluded.

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  • Coronavirus

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