Teller Report

Holland will allow children to play sports in a group and will reopen schools on May 11

4/21/2020, 7:40:17 PM

The Dutch government decided on Tuesday to gradually reopen primary schools and kindergartens on May 11, and allow the children to re-train as a group.

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The Dutch government decided on Tuesday to gradually reopen primary schools and kindergartens on May 11, and allow the children to return to group training starting next week, although it extends the rest of the containment measures until 20 of May.

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte explained that all Primary schools will be able to reopen their doors, although they will have to receive groups of students on alternative days or part-time per group , while Special Education schools and kindergartens They may open full time.

"We did not want to close schools, but we live in a democracy in the Netherlands. With 17 million people, the government may decide to keep schools open, but when parents leave their children at home (out of fear), we also have to deal with with that, "said Rutte, at a press conference.

The Executive is studying whether to reopen the secondary education institutes on June 1, if young people can keep the distance of one and a half meters, and teachers in general will have the right to submit to the tests of the Covid-19 if they have suspicions or symptoms of contracting it, something that only health workers can do for now.

In addition, children up to 12 years old can return to train on their sports teams from April 28 , although official competitions are not yet allowed, a decision that the Government makes "aware of how difficult" it is to require children keep the distance of one and a half meters.

Young people between 12 and 18 years old will also be able to exercise outdoors again , but in their case, they should be required to keep the safety distance. Children will have to go shower at home and not in the sports club where they train, strict measures that will be monitored by municipal officials.

Another novelty announced by the Dutch Government is the total ban on major events -conferences, fairs and professional football matches- until at least September 1 , three months later than planned, because "the risks "in these events, a decision that Rutte has described as" sour "and" a joint sacrifice "for society.

The rest of the measures applied so far, as part of an already relaxed version of confinement, will run until May 20 , which includes the closure of places of leisure, gyms, restaurants and professions that require contact ( hairdressers and physical therapies), as well as the prohibition of visits to nursing homes.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Holland
  • Europe
  • Coronavirus
  • Covid 19

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