Teller Report

Fire at Stora Enso

4/21/2020, 8:13:12 PM

It is burning at Stora Enso in Älvkarleby. The alarm came just after 9pm on Tuesday night.

According to the rescue service, it burns in a culvert where chips are transported.

- We have an on-going entry there. It is a long culvert where you transport chips, says Johan Melin, internal commander of the rescue service.

At present, two stations are in place to extinguish the fire.

- We smoke dive and are going to extinguish. There is a lot that is combustible there, so if we do not stop, it can spread to buildings, he says.

The culverts are smoke filled and will need to be vented after extinguishing.

- It's a complicated fire because everything is underground. We have special security systems that we must apply, ”says Johan Melin.

The forecast is for the fire to be extinguished at 23:30.