Teller Report

Eighteen chefs ask Macron to reopen restaurants

4/21/2020, 3:04:23 PM

Signatories propose a "new economic model" to allow French restaurants to reopen safely

A restaurant (illustration). - Pixabay

This Monday, April 20, in a column published by Le Figaro , 18 great chefs belonging to the Culinary College of France ask Emmanuel Macron for a "partial deconfinement of responsible citizen catering". They fear numerous closings of establishments due to the health crisis. "Many of us may not be able to get up if the cessation of our activity continues," they argue.

A “new economic model”

The deconfinement which will begin gradually from May 11 does not, for the moment, provide for the reopening of restaurants. And this is precisely what worries the signatory chiefs of this forum. The Culinary College of France has therefore established a "new economic model" of catering based on five major commitments.

It would first be a matter of displaying "a special opening certificate" on the storefront, but also of reminding employees every day of the sanitary measures and behaviors to adopt. Then, the restaurateurs will have to send to the customers who have reserved "a video or an email of presentation of the health security measures in practice in the establishment".

Restaurateurs will also have to ensure "total transparency on the origin of products" as well as on "production methods". Finally, the Culinary College of France specifies that it will also be necessary to review the organization between the employees "in order to share, without discrimination, working time in the restaurant". Only establishments that comply with this new model could then reopen their doors.


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  • Containment
  • Society
  • Coronavirus
  • Covid 19
  • Restaurant