Teller Report

Big time work

4/21/2020, 4:10:40 PM

“Still, parliamentarism is not self-presentation, not a rapture of unlimited freedom, but increased responsibility for words, deeds, decisions. This is precisely what demonstrates in the difficult current conditions the "coordinated interaction" of the lower house of parliament and the Russian government. They are at the forefront, together with their people, and act extremely mobilized and effective. In fact, Stakhanov’s efforts are being made to, among other things, ensure legislative protection of the country against coronavirus infection. ”

Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin thanked the State Duma for adopting bills to implement anti-crisis measures. He noted: “Thanks to the coordinated interaction of the government and parliament, we can quickly provide support to citizens and the economy, help businesses retain employees.”

In this phrase, “coordinated interaction” is very important, this indicates that the country has fully adjusted the power mechanism. There is no alienation and imbalance in power; state interests are a priority. Swan, cancer and pike are a completely different story. Mishustin, incidentally, has repeatedly noted that the same speaker, Vyacheslav Volodin, “is set up to create absolutely all conditions for implementing the provisions of the president’s message”. Needless to say, in the current conditions this is an absolute priority.

Of the new bills adopted, Mishustin singled out amendments to the Tax Code, according to which additional payments to physicians fighting with coronavirus are exempted from personal income tax. Changes to the Budget Code: through them, regions were able to provide loans to each other, and now they can distribute federal funds allocated to fight against coronavirus and resolve the most important social and economic issues. That is, now an opportunity has been given on the ground to quickly respond to emerging problems, based on the current situation.

At one time, they often talked about the problem of low executive discipline in the country. Like, there are good initiatives and good speeches, but when it comes to implementation, then all this immediately sinks into the abysses of bureaucracy and indifference. Now there is an example of a completely different approach, when the work of the government and the deputy corps testifies to absolute indifference, and everything is normal with executive discipline. Not in the morning in the newspaper, but in the evening in the couplet - otherwise. The president outlined the strategy and specific measures, the parliament, in partnership with the government, discussed implementation paths that are reinforced by a specific regulatory framework. A tough test drive is excellent.

The authorities - and especially the deputies - are customary to scold us. Like, loafers and loot-walkers, as well as professionals for beating whores, arranging their entire deputy term for continuous demonstrations in this difficult task. This is the tradition of perception. Alas, it was also from reality. Still, the formation of the newest Russian parliamentarism took place in extremely difficult conditions, including with tank salvos. Anything was, but if you look back, it is obvious that the State Duma is a reflection of the life of the country, society, as well as its sores.

For everyone they were eager for deputies. And scratch your tongues, and it is important to stick out the chest. To lean, or even to launch a hand into the famous “Xerox boxes”, so that the greens adhere as much as possible from there. Recruits were also recruited for new oligarchic masters of life, all sorts of world-eaters, so that it would be possible to cut cheaply the former nation-wide property, and then not owe anything to this very people and state, even morally.

In short, shake up the property and then scatter everything in fairness in a narrow circle of bins, and then defend these “conquests”, even though the grass does not grow around.

It was then that such "corporate" lobbyists appeared in abundance, who became the object of indignation, the heroes of jokes and, to put it mildly, inherited enough in the process of the formation of this parliamentarism itself. The Duma was different in the era of timelessness: with glimpses of sanity, and with a sensation of a noisy and noisy crush of the eastern bazaar.

But who said it will be like this forever? After all, the country, like people, is changing ...

What else are the claims? Obedient majority, not a place for discussion ...

All for discussions, disputes and a fan of points of view, nobody is interested in the brisk tin soldiers at the top of the political pyramid. They are good only in conditions of infinite stability and tranquility, when you can demonstrate your dressing and become so much as you admire the harmony of the ranks.

But a slightly light breeze, and even more so a crisis and, God forbid, a shock, then all these slender rows will fall to the ground, torn with short roots, will blow them any gust of wind - and not collect after.

Today we see the raging of such winds. Sanctions, general Russophobia, striving to push Russia again to a series of wrong actions in order to completely rebuild and reformat it. Internal problems. What is the difficult demographic situation that the president spoke about in his January message? And now it’s not even the wind, but the hurricane of the coronavirus infection that is testing the country and all spheres of its life for viability.

And let's have a discussion in this situation, we will debate from the highest stands. We will find those who do not believe in the danger of coronavirus or who have seen the miraculous power of plantain ... Let different opinions bloom and manifest, and it is better to be completely bizarre and marginal, as it was at one time. For the show, this is only a plus. So what? ..

Still, parliamentarism is not self-presentation, not a rapture of unlimited freedom, but increased responsibility for words, deeds, decisions.

This is precisely what demonstrates in the difficult current conditions the "coordinated interaction" of the lower house of parliament and the Russian government. They are at the forefront, together with their people, and act extremely mobilized and effective. In fact, Stakhanov’s efforts are being made to, among other things, provide legislative protection for the country from coronavirus infection. This "bulletproof vest" is created in all areas: social, with a special emphasis on protecting families and children, in supporting small and medium-sized businesses, to which the current pandemic has caused numerous scars. The main thing in this handwriting is the promptness and lightning speed of verified decisions, as well as close interaction with the government on the implementation of anti-crisis presidential initiatives.

Such an anti-coronavirus regiment in power, without any problems in cooperation, understanding.

So it’s time to get rid of virus stamps stuck in the mind. Society, the voter must also work with the government, including with his deputy, and be responsible for his work. It is necessary to control, ask, ask questions, be interested in the end. There are many levers of such control, including ratings of deputy effectiveness. But you don’t always want to ask, right? It’s easier when my hut is on the edge, and all responsibility is on the chosen one. In this case, everything can be attributed to all kinds of cliches and cliches regarding loafers, and on the other hand, obedient and executive automatic hand lifters ...

A deputy is not a servant of the people, but an exponent of his aspirations, problems, questions and suggestions. The voice of the people, its mediator with state power. Therefore, this inextricable chain of communication and communication should be built comprehensively, which is called civil society. To build up, having rejected all prejudices, in the same way as in the parliament all bureaucratic red tape has been thrown away. Now it’s not only a temporary coronavirus situation, but time itself requires a lot of joint work, tremendous Stakhanov work to build a country, including building a mobile and operational relationship: society - parliament - power. All branches of government are now mobilized and are working expeditiously to implement the anti-crisis instructions of the president. After all, everyone understands that it depends on how quickly our country overcomes the raging coronavirus sea.

After a coronavirus attack, Russia must exit transformed. Not a dull and beaten life trying to fall asleep on the go, but active, energetic, extremely mobile, burning with enthusiasm. It is such an assembly that should be made in the current epidemiological situation, because the future is here.

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the position of the publisher.