Teller Report

Al-Ahly club prevents its player from "professionalizing" the "FIFA electronic" championship

4/21/2020, 9:25:46 AM

Al-Ahly club refused the participation of its player Ahmed El Sheikh in the "FIFA Electronic Games" championship, which takes place from the 21st to the 25th of this month. Al-Ahly football director Syed Abdel Hafeez said in statements carried by his club's official website that the player's refusal to participate came because no notification had

Al-Ahly club refused to participate Ahmed El-Sheikh in the "FIFA Electronic Games" championship, which will be held from 21-25 this month.
Al-Ahly football director Syed Abdul Hafeez said in statements conveyed to his club's official website that the player's refusal to participate was due to the fact that no notification had been received by the club responsible for nominating the players. He emphasized that the responsible party did not obtain the approval of the club, which is necessary, especially since Ahmed Sheikh is a professional player in the team.

Abdul Hafeez emphasized the Sheikh's eligibility to play the game in an "amateur" manner, but not at the professional level, especially as these matters need controls and other criteria, the club must be aware of and familiar with it, to take what it deems appropriate to maintain the footballing work system. He added that Ahmed Al-Sheikh informed the agency that officially nominates the players that he would not participate in the tournament.