Teller Report

"Everything is exacerbated": when confinement increases the mental load of women

4/21/2020, 8:31:23 PM

For many wives, wives or mothers, confinement means even more pressure for household chores. According to a Harris Interactive poll, & nbsp; 58% of women in couples estimate that they take care of the majority of these missions. & Nbsp;

For many wives, wives or mothers, confinement means even more pressure for household chores. According to a Harris Interactive survey, 58% of women in couples believe that they take care of the majority of these missions. 

In homes, confinement exacerbates inequalities between spouses. According to a Harris Interactive survey, 58% of women in couples estimate that they take care of the majority of domestic tasks, while 28% of those polled dedicate between two and three hours of their daily time to these tasks, often in addition to exercise of their profession in telework.

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A mother of three, Audrey confirms to Europe 1 that the confinement has increased the pressure of everyday life. For this head of a nine person team, the mental load is something very concrete, even during her interview. "I am thinking about how I help my daughter to answer her math problem, and at the same time, we have to find ideas for lunch and dinner, when usually there is the canteen, "she says. For this Parisian, "everything is exacerbated! We have to prove even more that, even if we have our children at home, we will be able to do the same job as an employee as usual". 

"Man does not have this dose of guilt"

However, in a couple, there is a sharing of family and domestic tasks with his spouse, but the feeling is not the same on both sides. Florencia is in the same situation. It is she, for example, who takes days off to care for her 3-year-old daughter, not the father. "There is nothing to prevent it," regrets Florencia. For her, "a man, even with the best intentions of taking on a large part of the domestic responsibilities, does not have this dose of guilt that is instilled. It is very difficult to get rid of it".


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According to the Parents and Feminists Association, 70% of domestic and family work is performed by women. And this imbalance is accentuated with the crisis.