Teller Report

Titov appreciated the measures taken by the authorities to support business

4/20/2020, 8:52:28 AM

The Presidential Commissioner for the Protection of Entrepreneurs' Rights, Boris Titov, commented on the situation with the support of business amid the spread of coronavirus infection.

“I would say this: probably not enough, but the dynamics are already good,” Titov said, answering a question from an RT correspondent if he considers the measures taken by the authorities to help business in the context of the spread of coronavirus.

He noted the need to support employment by maintaining jobs, as well as demand.

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed new measures to support business in a coronavirus. The most affected by the pandemic companies will receive free financial assistance from the state for employee benefits. Moreover, it is proposed to provide loans to enterprises at low interest rates with state guarantees.

Anatoly Aksakov, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on the Financial Market, in an interview with Nation News, evaluated measures to support business.