Teller Report

Saudi marine Alaaa makes eyes .. and install for those who lost it

4/20/2020, 10:12:10 PM

Saudi Alaa Hussein Bahri is the first to specialize in the manufacture and installation of artificial eyes, and works in the first licensed clinic of its kind in this field in the Arab region, which enabled her to serve her community in saving many of those who lost their eyes, and those who are in urgent need of installing artificial eyes.

Saudi Arabia Alaa Hussein Bahri is the first specialized in the field of manufacturing and installing artificial eyes, and works in the first licensed clinic of its kind in this field in the Arab region, which enabled her to serve her community in saving many of those who lost their eyes, and those who are in urgent need of installing artificial eyes.

Bahri said in an interview with the Future Observatory that she is seeking to establish partnerships with all ophthalmic centers in Saudi Arabia, and a number of Arab Gulf states, to conduct synthetic eye prostheses for the unfortunate affected, considering this as part of the community partnership and its duty to assist those in need.


Bahri explained that there is a big difference in terms of shape, quality, quality, and end result between the hand-made artificial eye and the pre-made artificial eye. She said: «We in our clinic make the artificial eye manually for each patient separately according to the appropriate size; that is, taking the size of the eye socket, and we match the color so that the artificial eye is as close as the patient’s natural eye. As for the pre-made artificial eyes, they are manufactured in large quantities and poor quality materials, and they are usually installed by someone who is not specialized in eye makeup.

She added, “I was attracted by the manufacture and installation of artificial eyes because it is a rare specialty, and there are no specialists in this field in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the whole of the Arab Gulf states. In addition, there is something additional that distinguishes this specialization is its human aspect, which can help the group that lost one of the most important The senses.

Merging colors

Bahri outlined the method of making the artificial eye, as it “goes through several stages of elaborate manufacturing. It begins by measuring the cavity of the affected eye through a template, and we take the measurements of the patient's pupil and its iris, then we record the color of the iris and the color of the eye ball, and we start with the first stage of coloring, and merge the colors with extreme accuracy until We reach a perfect match, and then draw the blood vessels to give the third dimension of the artificial eye so that the eye looks very natural. And in our clinic we use the best techniques to get the patient the best results, and he has an artificial eye that is closer to the natural eye.

Suitable age

And on the appropriate timing for installing the eye for the patient, Bahri asserted that “there is no specific age for the synthesis of the artificial eye. In our clinic, we receive infants and elderly children, but we support their installation at an early age in order to avoid any damage that may happen to the eye, which increases the difficulty of its installation, and from the side Another helps them cope more quickly and does not feel embarrassed or frustrated in their dealings with their friends at school or with the outside community. ”

Bahri explained that the patients who need synthetic eyes are those who have lost their eyes due to congenital malformation, or in accidents, or because of cancerous tumors, or for various other diseases, such as some diabetes, retinal detachment, high intraocular pressure, or inflammation that has led to eye loss.

The Saudi specialist said, "The artificial eye is not permanent, and it has a life span. It must be changed every three to four years, and the eye must be refined every six months to avoid infections and problems that may affect it."

"In my clinic, I use the latest technology to make and manufacture artificial eyes, and in some cases we use 3D technology in the manufacture of artificial eyes," she added.

Difficulties and patience

Bahri also stressed that "the difficulty in the manufacture of artificial eyes is the challenge in making an artificial eye as close as possible to the natural eye; because this requires a great effort from the specialist, and also requires patience and follow-up from the patient, and his desire to treatment until the end."

"I am a member of the Canadian-American Association for Prosthetics, and what I am trying to do now is get a board certificate," concluded specialist Ala Bahri.

Eye industry

Wars and conflicts are not the only reason that causes people to lose their eyes. There are people who lose their eyes while working, and children may play this as well, in addition to many specific accidents, or that another eye gazes while in a theme park or for many other reasons such as messing around in Fireworks or beads pistols.

The eye industry has evolved to the point where one does not notice that some of those he may meet or interact with have artificial eyes.

"The challenge is to make the eye as close to the natural one as possible."