Teller Report

Refund of fees

4/20/2020, 10:12:22 PM

The state imposed numerous measures to prevent the spread of the (Covid-19) virus, and to preserve the health of members of society, these measures have a direct impact on everyone who lives on the territory of the state.

The state imposed numerous measures to prevent the spread of the (Covid-19) virus, and to preserve the health of community members, these measures have a direct impact on everyone who lives on the territory of the state. At the mercy of financial obligations towards employees, banks and others.

The customer or customer who paid the deposit or part of the agreement has no fault in the decision to prohibit weddings.

After this closure, many of those who paid a deposit for hotels and lounges did not know the fate of these paid money, especially since there is no decision to resume them, but rather the topic will be somewhat longer, especially with the decisions that impose not to leave the house except for the extreme necessity.

The customer or customer who paid the deposit or part of the agreement has no guilt in the decision to prevent the holding of weddings, the same applies to lounges and hotels, except that it is logical and since the customer did not bear the officials responsible for the halls any financial cost, then the money paid must be returned to him Because the matter is beyond his personal will, and there are those who got married without any party and entered the nest of marriage in this strange circumstance, and therefore no longer need to hold the party from the ground up.

The same applies to parents who paid transportation fees, and now they are waiting for the refund of the sums paid to schools, knowing that there are educational areas that the schools demanded to return while other regions and educational areas were content to ignore the issue completely.

Here, many of those who have paid the money ask, How do they get what was paid by them? Why do these entities procrastinate in their response as long as they do not get the service permanently? How do they resort to the responsible authorities?

The Corona pandemic crisis imposed a new reality on the whole world, especially in the economic and legal aspects. Here, new and exceptional laws must be enacted to deal with what can happen in emergency situations, and in a way in which the parties are fair in all fields. Just as there is a right for the institution, the customer must have a right that is The other so that it is not always the weakest party.

Twitter: @almzoohi

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