Teller Report

Idris Elba and Offset are in the Thread of Stars

4/20/2020, 4:01:40 PM

All celebrity news is in "20 Minutes"

Idris Elba actor - Avalon / Starface

April 20, 2020

Ellen DeGeneres surprises owner who has exempted tenants from rent

During this pandemic period, Ellen DeGeneres decided to reward some of the finest acts of generosity. The host suddenly made a huge surprise to Mario Salerno, owner of a building in Brooklyn, who recently announced to his 200 tenants that they did not need to pay rent for the month of April.

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I'm back. Monday. @sir_twitch_alot @ChrissyTeigen @JohnLegend

A post shared by Ellen DeGeneres (@theellenshow) on Apr 3, 2020 at 9:30 am PDT

The star presenter, in turn, showed generosity, not only by inviting her to come and attend the show with his wife (who is a fan of the program), but also and above all by making a donation of $ 25,000 to North Brooklyn Angels, an association close to Mario Salerno's heart, as ELLE relays .

Idris Elba offers an annual quarantine for everyone

Idris Elba and his wife, Sabrina Dhowre, are doing better. The couple, who were struck by the Covid-19, recovered slowly from their emotions, remaining confined to New Mexico, where the actor was working at the time of the crisis. If he intends to return home to London as soon as possible, he also plans to do everything possible to remember what the pandemic has taught him about his relationship with others.

"I think the whole world should spend a week in quarantine, every year, to remember this moment. To remember each other. I really think so. Other species do. It's called hibernation. But it reminds you that the world is not beating at your own pace, "he said in an interview with the Associated Press.

Offset mourns his great-uncle, deceased from COVID-19

Offset is in mourning. The rapper, Cardi B's husband, called on his fans to pray for his family when his great-uncle Jerry died of the disease.

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The world is upside down

A post shared by OFFSET (@offsetyrn) on Mar 29, 2020 at 1:23 pm PDT

"I can't believe this shit from corona killed my great-uncle Jerry." Rest in peace, Uncle Jerry. Pray for my family, ”asked the Migos member in a story on his Instagram account.

The rapper, for her part, continues to make known all the evil that she thinks of the management of the crisis by the American government. "They put capitalism, money, trade, goods, before our health," she lamented recently in an interview with Bernie Sanders on Instagram Live.


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  • Ellen degeneres
  • People
  • Idris elba
  • Cardi B