Teller Report

How to manage eating disorders during confinement?

4/20/2020, 1:19:45 PM

Not easy to navigate through the flow of information that falls on the new coronavirus. One question in particular is bothering you? Every day, "20 Minutes" makes sure to bring you the answer

Containment can worsen eating disorders. - Govert / Sunshine International

The confinement put in place to stop the spread of the new coronavirus can turn into hell for isolated people, the chronically ill or victims of domestic violence. Another category of people is concerned, that suffering from eating disorders (ATD), or eating disorders. In ordinary times, the subject is taboo. With this health crisis, it is all the more so. So far, only one 20-minute reader has taken advantage of this section to tell us about it:

“I wanted to know if there is an emergency number for people living alone and suffering from bulimia nervosa who find it very difficult to tolerate confinement. »Mateen

Here are the answers we can give to Mateen, as well as to all the other people who suffer in silence and feel even more disarmed during this period:

To get straight to the point, there is a telephone line, "Anorexie Boulimie Info Ecoute", which can be reached on 0810.037.037. The French Federation of Anorexia Bulimia (FFAB) reminds him of this on his website as well as on social networks - below the tweet that has been pinned on his account since March 21:

During this health crisis, the "Anorexie Boulimie Info Ecoute" listening line continues to support patients, families and professionals facing eating disorders on 0810 037 037, Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. (https: //

- FFAB (@ffabtca) March 21, 2020

The FFAB quickly took stock of the danger that confinement posed to people suffering from TCA. Thus, as of March 24, it co-developed with the Maison de Solenn-Maison des adolescents at Cochin hospital (Paris), the Ile-de-France TCA Network and the nutrition service at Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital (Paris) practical sheet to manage disorders during this period. Sheet intended for patients, their relatives and their caregivers.

With the FFAB, @MaisondeSolenn has developed a practical sheet to help manage an eating disorder during the confinement period. It is intended for patients suffering from a TCA, their families, but also their caregivers. Download here:

- FFAB (@ffabtca) March 24, 2020

We first learn that "the immunity [of people suffering from TCA] is modified by multiple deficiencies and malnutrition: they are probably more vulnerable to Covid-19, but, above all, more at risk of serious forms".

Particularly bulimic symptoms for us

- Maison de Solenn (@MaisondeSolenn) April 19, 2020

It is also explained that several factors can worsen eating behavior during confinement: the fact that the fridge and cupboards are more crowded, that physical activity is limited, that intra-family tensions, which can be exacerbated due to cohabitation forced, generate even more stress and anxiety, than taking the drugs necessary to compensate for deficiencies (potassium, phosphorus, vitamins, psychotropic drugs, food supplements ...) is not regular, etc.

The FFAB then develops its advice, the main lines of which we present to you:

Ambulatory monitoring and medical surveillance.  Avoid traveling on public transport and shops; resort to teleconsultation (with his somatic physician, psychiatrist, nutritionist, etc.), in a programmed manner, in order to maintain a reassuring benchmark and not to see his symptoms worsen; continue to have his potassium concentration (the concentration of potassium in the blood plasma) monitored by a state-certified nurse who will come to his home to limit outdoor travel.

Live from @MaisondeSolenn

- Sevan Minassian (@DARTAG) April 16, 2020

Psychiatric surveillance and treatment. Maintain exchanges with those around you and your medical monitoring team; call the help line if necessary; continue to take your medication (some, such as psychotropic drugs, potassium and phosphorus) to be locked up by parents; in case of a prescription shortage, use the old one or ask the doctor to send a prescription by email, strictly to the family or the pharmacist.

Food. The FFAB recommends, in case of bulimia or binge eating, “not to put all the purchased races in the same cupboard; make a reserve of half or a third of the groceries purchased and put the pleasures behind the fridge or cupboard ”. With regard to the organization of meals, it is more advisable “to establish the menus over the week for the whole entourage according to the reserves and the number of guests; to let the family cook as much as possible, if this has been decided with the caregivers (anorexia nervosa situations), and to participate in the kitchen for patients suffering from binge eating disorder ”. The federation also recommends keeping meals at a fixed time and, if you are alone, to call a close friend by videoconference during meal time.

Our file on containment

Weight monitoring.  Decide with your doctor whether to weigh yourself, how often and who should do it with you (parent, older sister or brother). Weighing can also be done during teleconsultation, with a scale and a smartphone taking the weight in photo, offers the FFAB.

So that you can see more clearly, 20 Minutes is  trying to answer your questions, which you can send us by following the procedure below. Questions which should, we will be grateful, relate to a subject other than that addressed in the article above. Do not hesitate to check that your question has not already been answered on our site. To find out, go to the search bar at the top of our home page. In any case, don't forget to leave your e-mail in your message. Thank you in advance (and take care of yourself)!


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  • Containment
  • Video
  • Health
  • Society
  • Anorexia
  • Covid 19
  • Food
  • Coronavirus