Teller Report

Did a commission recommend wearing a mask from the end of January?

4/20/2020, 4:22:28 PM

A document dated January 22 has been circulating on social networks for a few days

The document has been circulating for several days on social networks - Screenshot

  • An official document dated January 22 is relayed in recent days on social networks.
  • Published almost two months before confinement by Coreb, a scientific commission dependent on the Ministry of Health, it recommended the wearing of masks and gloves for caregivers.
  • Recommendations in the fight against the coronavirus which are considered completely normal by the caregivers.

“The government knew. With this catchy comment, a surfer has relayed in recent days on social networks a note published on January 22 by Coreb (Operational coordination of epidemic and biological risk). Created in 2003 following Sras, Coreb reports directly to the Ministry of Health. One of its main missions is to produce and send recommendations for first-line caregivers (Samu, hospital staff, etc.) in the event of epidemics.

This document, shared more than 17,000 times in a few days on Facebook, gives caregivers the measures to apply in the event of contact with a patient with Covid-19. Hydroalcoholic gel, wearing gloves and FFP2 masks are among the essential actions to be taken by caregivers. As of January 22, 2020, it appeals to internet users because it appeared almost two months before confinement.

The author of the viral post also surrounded by hand certain instructions formulated by Coreb, insinuating that the government would have underestimated the necessary protective measures and minimized the danger of the disease.

The document has been circulating for several days on social networks - Screenshot


After verification, it appears that this document is authentic and was indeed issued by Coreb on January 22. It is also still available on the website of the Ministry of Health. It does not issue recommendations for the population but, as we recall, to caregivers on the front line when faced with a new disease.

At the time of writing, no patient had yet been diagnosed on French soil. If, the day before, the Minister of Health at the time, Agnès Buzyn, estimatedthat the risk of introducing the virus into France was "low" but not zero, Coreb was preparing for the arrival of the epidemic from Wuhan on December 12, 2019, however.

“This text is a generic Coreb procedure and is one of the three pillars of our mission. This procedure is applied to each alert, whether for Covid, Ebola, SARS or any other epidemic, explains Professor Catherine Lefort, head of the Coreb mission. This allows us to put some specificities more precise than the simple generic procedure. "

The primary recipients of this text, the nursing staff find nothing to complain about. “Coreb is a scientific mission and it is entirely normal for it to inform us. There is nothing shocking because one started to deal with possible cases well before the confinement, explains François Braun, president of the union Samu-Emergencies of France. At the time, care was to be done only in referral health facilities. As for the wearing of masks and gloves, this is classic protection. These are completely normal things in the context of an emerging infectious pathology. This text arrived with good recommendations. "

On January 24, 2020, two days after sending this document, the first three cases in France were diagnosed. If the shortage of gels and masks in hospitals has since been pointed out, it is not the responsibility of Coreb whose role is primarily to give recommendations in the event of an epidemic. And his advice can also evolve as the epidemic unfolds, as evidenced by the new procedure, sent on February 29 to first-line caregivers.


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