Teller Report

Development and Reform Commission responds to the "return of US and Japanese companies": the willingness to invest in US-funded Japanese companies has increased significantly

4/20/2020, 11:16:40 AM

  China News Agency, Beijing, April 20 (Reporter Zhou Rui) In response to a report on the "evacuation of US and Japanese companies from China", Yuan Da, a spokesman for China's National Development and Reform Commission, said that the National Development and Reform Commission has taken note of some countries' comments on the issue of the return policy. Recent surveys conducted by the American Chamber of Commerce in China, the US-China National Trade Commission, the Japan Trade Promotion Agency and other chambers of commerce have shown that since March, the production and operation of U.S.-funded and Japanese-funded enterprises have tended to improve, and their willingness to invest has increased significantly from February. Consider The number of enterprises adjusting the industrial layout is very small.

  Yuan Da stressed that the new coronary pneumonia epidemic has caused a huge impact on the world economy. In this special period, countries need to join hands to stabilize the global industrial chain and supply chain. What the government needs to do is to help enterprises overcome difficulties and overcome difficulties, rather than increase uncertainty.

  He pointed out that with China's rapid control of the epidemic situation and the comprehensive promotion of resumption of production and production, the basic foreign investment is generally stable. The production and operation of foreign-funded enterprises in China are gradually going to normal, the completion of orders has continued to improve, and the confidence of foreign investors has gradually increased. New foreign investment projects are about to land, which fully demonstrates the stability and tenacity of China ’s investment environment.

  Yuan Da revealed that China will continue to do a good job in stabilizing foreign investment in the future and support foreign companies to invest in China.

  One is to further promote the resumption of foreign investment projects and enterprises. Efforts will be made to help solve the difficulties and obstacles of resumption of production, and promote the coordinated resumption of production in the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain. The various aid policies are equally applicable to domestic and foreign enterprises.

  The second is to issue the 2020 version of the negative list of foreign investment access, further relax foreign investment access, further improve the level of openness in the service industry, manufacturing, and agriculture, and continue to test first in the free trade pilot zone.

  The third is the introduction of the 2020 edition of the catalogue for encouraging foreign investment. This revision encourages entries to increase but not decrease. The focus is on promoting high-quality manufacturing development, making better use of the potential of the central and western regions and the northeast region to undertake industrial transfer, and enabling foreign investment in more fields to enjoy preferential policies such as taxation.

  Fourth, continue to grasp the implementation of major foreign investment projects. For major foreign investment projects, strengthen coordination and advancement, and provide support and guarantee. On the basis of implementing the first three batches of major foreign investment projects, this year will launch the fourth batch of major foreign investment projects.

  Fifth, fully implement the "Foreign Investment Law" and the implementation regulations, implement the system established by laws and regulations, continue to optimize the business environment, and do a good job of foreign investment promotion and protection. (Finish)

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