Teller Report

Coronavirus: more than 20,000 people have died in France since the start of the epidemic

4/20/2020, 5:43:28 PM

At his daily press conference, the Director General of Health Jérôme Salomon announced that the country had crossed the bar "symbolic and painful" of the 20,000 dead. A total of 20,265 people died after contracting the virus.

During his daily press conference, the Director General of Health Jérôme Salomon announced that the country had passed the "symbolic and painful" mark of 20,000 dead. A total of 20,265 people died after contracting the virus.

The Director General of Health, Jérôme Salomon, announced Monday at his daily press conference, crossing the "symbolic" and "painful" bar of 20,000 coronavirus deaths in France. Hospitals and other health facilities have recorded 20,265 deaths, or 547 more deaths in 24 hours.

>> LIVE - Coronavirus: follow the evolution of the situation Monday April 20

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