Teller Report

Beijing released a new version of the operating service guidelines for catering service units to control the number of people dining

4/20/2020, 6:49:22 AM

  China News Service, Beijing, April 20 (Reporter Du Yan) In order to prevent and control the epidemic situation in the catering industry, protect the health and safety of consumers and employees, and meet the needs of citizens' living services, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Commerce said today that the bureau will work with the city The Control Center has formulated and released the fourth edition of the guidelines for business services of catering service units.

  The new version of the guidelines is applicable to catering service units such as Beijing catering enterprises and their stores, unit canteens, and third-party platforms for online catering services. The core content is still "prevention of aggregation and security". At the same time, according to the current general requirements for the prevention and control of epidemic situation and the orderly restoration of production and living order, the guidelines are further refined, taking into account the convenience and safety of social dining needs, and taking into account the catering enterprises can be implemented and easy to operate.

Stop hosting banquets and other group dinners

  The guidelines point out that each catering service unit must strictly control the scale of simultaneous dining. Stop hosting banquets and other group dinners. The internal cafeteria should adopt the service method of dining in different peaks in different periods.

  For restaurant outlets, new requirements have been put forward to clarify and publicize the maximum number of people in the store, and at the same time continue to require the establishment of a "one-meter line" in areas where people can gather, such as the waiting area, the picking area, the checkout area, and strictly control the density of people .

  In view of the fact that the number of customers in some restaurants is currently queuing and gathering, the guideline advocates the establishment of a restaurant reservation system for restaurant outlets, reasonable arrangement of customers' arrival time, and avoiding the gathering of people.

Verify customer "Beijing Health treasure" information

  There have also been new changes in customer requirements for dining in. With the popularization and application of "Beijing Healthbao", the guidelines have increased the content of verifying customers' "Beijing Healthbao" information.

  The guidelines require catering stores to arrange special personnel to check the temperature of diners and verify the information of "Beijing Healthbao". Only those with normal temperature and "Beijing Healthbao" status of "No abnormalities" can enter the restaurant to ensure that the restaurant staff and employees Personnel safety.

  At the same time, according to the “Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Normalization of Prevention and Control of Resumption of Production and Resumption of Production” jointly issued by the Beijing Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau and other five departments, the guidelines are clear in order to avoid repetitive measures for some catering stores and property units located in shopping malls. If the above-mentioned measures have been adopted uniformly at the entrance of the mall, the catering store may determine its own inspection measures in accordance with its actual situation.

Still clearly want to control the number of people dining in the restaurant

  In order to protect the health and safety of consumers, the new guidelines still clearly control the number of people dining in restaurants. Catering stores should widen the space between tables to ensure that there is a distance of more than 1 meter between tables. If the tables and chairs are fixed and cannot be moved, non-use tables should be clearly marked. Requiring catering outlets not to arrange non-travel customers to eat at the same table.

  For some fast-food restaurants, food cities, etc. where there are many customers who have “difficult to find a table” and customers have to work together, the restaurant and customers also need to work together to implement the prevention and control requirements.

  For private dining, the guidelines also clarify the prevention and control requirements: each room is limited to one table, the dining room should be kept at a distance of more than 1 meter, and the maximum capacity should be indicated at the door of the private room or in a prominent position in the private room. After the customer leaves each meal, the rooms must be cleaned, disinfected and ventilated.

Catering stores should fully implement public chopsticks and spoons

  The guidelines continue to explicitly require restaurants to fully implement public chopsticks and spoons. For customers who share meals, "one dish and one chopstick, one soup and one spoon", or "one person and one chopstick, one person and one spoon" are required. Conditional restaurants should actively promote the meal sharing system.

Adopt no contact or less contact delivery

  In terms of food delivery, the guidelines require third-party platforms for online catering services to implement the responsibility of the main body of prevention and control, and to grasp the health status of food delivery personnel on this platform. Food delivery staff should take a non-contact or less-contact delivery method when picking and delivering meals. For example, take-out can be delivered to the door of the building or the door of the community to be picked up by the customer to reduce personnel contact. (Finish)

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