Teller Report

Stabilize the economic fundamentals and support the bottom line of people's livelihood

4/19/2020, 7:25:10 PM

Experts interpreted from six aspects to
  stabilize the basic economy and to support people's livelihood bottom line

  Drawing: Cai Huawei

  The Politburo meeting of the CPC Central Committee held on the 17th emphasized that under the premise of normalization of epidemic prevention and control, it is necessary to ensure the employment of residents, the basic livelihood of the people, the market main body, the security of food and energy, the stability of the supply chain of the industrial chain, and the operation of the grassroots level. Implement the strategy of expanding domestic demand, maintain the overall situation of economic development and social stability, ensure the completion of the decisive battle and the goal of overcoming poverty, and build a well-off society in an all-round way.

  In response to hot issues of social concern, the reporter interviewed some experts. Everyone believes that the current economic development is facing unprecedented challenges, and the importance of "protection" is emphasized from six aspects. It is a requirement to fully estimate the difficulties, risks and uncertainties. In the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, we must accelerate the promotion of production and life. The order has been fully restored, the sense of urgency has been strengthened, the economic fundamentals have been stabilized, and the bottom line of the people's livelihood has been maintained.



  Guarantee resident employment

  Enhance the ability of enterprises to create and stabilize jobs

  In July 2018, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China convened a meeting and proposed to do a good job of "six stability" and put "stable employment" in the first place. Experts said that the meeting held on the 17th put "guarantee resident employment" in a prominent position again, reflecting the work orientation of "implementing a priority employment policy".

  “In the first quarter, China ’s gross domestic product declined year-on-year, work resumed inadequately, and the number of employed stocks declined. In addition, the spread of the new overseas pneumonia epidemic has spread, international demand has continued to decline, and the downward pressure on the domestic economy has increased. Zeng Xiangquan, director of the China Employment Research Institute of Renmin University, said.

  Zeng Xiangquan suggested that on the demand side, measures to stabilize employment should be comprehensively strengthened, and the policy intensity should be adjusted according to changes in the employment situation to expand employment demand. "When the government departments promote investment projects, they must incorporate employment effects into the content of the project evaluation, so as to stabilize investment to stabilize growth and promote employment."

  At the same time, we must do everything possible to enhance the ability of enterprises to create and stabilize jobs. At present, many export-oriented enterprises are faced with difficulties such as reduced orders, unable to deliver goods, and tight funds. "The key is to put in place a series of policy measures that have already been put in place without compromise." Said Lai Desheng, a professor at the National School of Administration.

  On the supply side, structural reforms on the supply side of the labor market must be further deepened. Affected by the epidemic, the industrial structure, production and lifestyle, and labor demand are all changing, and the offline scene is accelerating online. All of this means that the requirements for workers ’job skills are changing. "We must increase vocational skills training and improve skill literacy." Zeng Xiangquan said that college graduates should focus on the top priority of employment work, but also to strengthen skills training, improve employment concept, and guide more college graduates Go to work at the grassroots level. The talent gap in primary education, public health and other fields in China is still relatively large, and its role in absorbing employment from college graduates should be fully utilized.

  In the long run, it is also necessary to deepen the reform of the education system and education system, better reflect the employment priority strategy and employment priority policy, and better match the quantity, structure, and quality of education and the labor market.


  Guarantee basic livelihood

  Increase security for low-income groups, especially those in need

  "The more special the period, the more stable is the 'chassis' of people's livelihood." Yang Zhiyong, deputy dean of the Institute of Financial and Strategic Studies of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, believes that protecting basic livelihood is to protect residents' basic needs for food, clothing and housing.

  On the one hand, it is necessary to protect people's income and ensure that they can afford basic living expenses through measures such as job security and increased assistance to disadvantaged groups. On the other hand, it is necessary to provide sufficient supply for the basic living needs of the people by ensuring the stability of the market players and the supply chain of the industrial chain, especially the security of food and energy. "To ensure basic people's livelihood and strengthen confidence is an important foundation for coordinating the smooth progress of other work."

  The epidemic situation directly affects the income of residents, and the price increase factor is superimposed, and it is very important for low-income groups, especially those in difficulty, to increase their security. Recently, the "Notice on Further Doing a Good Job in Phased Price Temporary Subsidies" was issued. From March to June this year, the monthly price temporary subsidy amount was doubled. On the basis of the existing guarantee objects of the price subsidy linkage mechanism, orphans, unattended children, and persons receiving unemployment benefits are also included in the scope of protection.

  Lin Mingang, director of the Social Security Research Center of Nanjing University, said that at present, civil affairs departments continue to increase the protection and protection of vulnerable groups, improve standards, and simplify the approval process; the next step is to isolate orphaned elderly people, difficult children, and severely ill and disabled people at home because of the epidemic. Groups, etc., should strengthen visits and necessary assistance to prevent incidents that impact the social moral bottom line and understand the employment situation and basic living needs.

  For rural areas, Lin Yifu, Dean of the Institute of New Structural Economics at Peking University, believes that it is necessary to further strengthen the social security network, raise the level of subsistence allowances, and guarantee basic living. Wang Yiming, the former deputy director of the Development Research Center of the State Council, suggested that groups with difficulties in their lives can help them through difficult times by providing public welfare jobs.

  At the same time, Lin Mingang said that it is necessary to vigorously promote the in-depth integration of Internet, big data, artificial intelligence and other technologies and people's livelihood security work. "Identify and intervene early in the field of livelihood security, explore the establishment of various livelihood security databases, strengthen data sharing between departments, and make livelihood security more accurate. Keep the basic livelihood services continuously during the epidemic, continuously optimize and improve government service processes, and actively promote Complete the entire process online, shorten the processing time, and make people's livelihood security smart. "


  Market subject

  Focus on helping small and medium-sized enterprises to overcome difficulties and improve their ability to survive and develop

  Recently, Zhejiang Mankes Sewing Machine Co., Ltd. used most of its funds for stock preparation, and the working capital was temporarily tight. Zhejiang Taizhou Luqiao Rural Commercial Bank learned of the difficulties in the loan interest payment of the enterprise, and after requesting approval from the head office, an extension of 8.7 million yuan in loan interest payment was processed for the enterprise, allowing the enterprise to concentrate on the development of medical protective clothing production equipment.

  "Our country currently has more than 100 million market players. Various market players are the main force of China's national economic development and the main field that carries residents' employment." Dong Ximiao, a special researcher of the National Finance and Development Laboratory, said that to protect market players, the focus is to protect Small, medium and micro enterprises. Faced with the current economic situation, its difficulties cannot be underestimated.

  "In the past, responding to this kind of problem mainly relied on investment. But this time, it is necessary to protect families and protect consumption at the same time, and help enterprises overcome difficulties." Lin Yifu said. "SMEs can provide a lot of employment and are an important part of many industrial chains. Their survival and development play a vital role in restoring normal economic and social order."

  Dong Ximiao believes that in the next step, the proactive fiscal policy should be more active and promising, and the work of tax reduction and fee reduction should continue to be implemented in depth. For industries such as catering, accommodation, and tourism, which are directly affected by the epidemic, subsidies or tax reductions can be targeted in stages. The prudent monetary policy should be more flexible and appropriate, ensure reasonable and sufficient market liquidity, increase support for small and medium-sized banks, and encourage small and medium-sized banks to further serve small and medium-sized enterprises that are greatly affected by the epidemic.

  "At present, some individual industrial and commercial households have reduced cash flow, making it difficult to pay rent. In addition to the local government's increased rent relief, commercial banks and other financial institutions can innovatively launch products such as 'rent loans' with moderate amounts and preferential interest rates, or through credit cards. Rental installment products alleviate the rental problem. "Dong Ximiao said.


  Keep food and energy safe

  Grain production is at a steady position, and coal, electricity, oil and gas supply is stable and stable

  In order to mobilize the enthusiasm of farmers and stabilize grain production, Hunan, a major grain-growing province, has made a combined punch: the generation of farming, seeding, trusteeship and nanny-style social services has emerged; arrangements for machine purchase subsidies of 1 billion yuan and discounts of more than 100 million yuan ...

  In the National Energy Shendong Coal Group, 13 coal mines are operating at full capacity. From January 24th to April 7th, to overcome difficulties such as shortage of personnel and poor material transportation, the Group maximized the mining capacity, accumulated cumulative production of 38.33 million tons of coal, and 112 trains per day.

  "Our country's grain has been bumper year after year, and there are sufficient stocks. At present, summer grain is growing well and spring sowing is generally going smoothly." Li Guoxiang, a researcher at the Institute of Rural Development of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said that the string of grain security cannot be loosened at any time.

  "Grain production adheres to the word stability." Li Guoxiang analyzed that at present, the key to preparing for spring cultivation is to do well. Relevant departments should guide farmers to keep a close eye on key farming and go to land in a timely manner; speed up the resumption of production and production of agricultural capital enterprises, dredge traffic, logistics and other blocking points in a timely manner; do a good job in technical guidance to prevent natural disasters and pests. All work is tightly linked and the grain area sown in spring is stabilized to lay a solid foundation for food security.

  In the long run, we should adhere to three aspects of work: stabilizing policies and releasing signals that emphasize agriculture and food. Strengthen the assessment of the food security governor's responsibility system, improve the agricultural subsidy policy, adjust and improve the minimum purchase price policy for rice and wheat, and stabilize the basic income of farmers. Stabilize the area, insist on storing grain on the ground, and ensure the stability of grain planting area. Stabilize production, increase the promotion of new agronomy and new service models, improve the level of agricultural mechanization, and rely on science and technology to increase grain yields.

  China is the world's largest energy producer and consumer. Energy security is a global and strategic issue that affects the economic and social development of the country.

  Zhou Dadi, executive deputy chairman of the China Energy Research Association, believes that in the near future, it is necessary to ensure the safe and stable supply of coal, electricity, oil and gas, and maintain a normal production and living order; carefully study the impact of the epidemic situation and changes in the international energy market on China, and coordinate and coordinate To maintain a balance between supply and demand in both domestic markets.

  In the long run, to truly solve the problem of energy security, it is still necessary to actively develop non-fossil energy and accelerate the green and low-carbon transformation. Strengthen energy-saving work and reduce unit energy consumption. Strengthen international cooperation and build a diversified energy supply system.


  Keep the supply chain stable

  Maintain stability and competitiveness, and promote coordinated resumption of production and production

  Hubei is China's most important production base for complete vehicles and parts. In mid-February, Hubei Province and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology reached a consensus that resumption of work will give priority to the selection of auto parts, while the leading players will lead the way. Pull the first-tier suppliers through leading enterprises, and then extend down to the second-tier and third-tier suppliers.

  "Maintaining the stability and competitiveness of the supply chain of the industrial chain and promoting the coordinated resumption of production and production in the industrial chain is to maintain the overall situation of China's economic development and social stability under the premise of consolidating the prevention and control of the epidemic, and to ensure the completion of the decisive battle to overcome poverty Mission, and an important guarantee for a well-off society in an all-round way. "Liu Xingguo, a researcher at the China Enterprise Confederation, said that the importance of industrial chain supply chain stability is reflected in two aspects: first, there is division of labor cooperation, coordinated development and mutual restriction between upstream and downstream enterprises Second, there is a symbiotic relationship between large, medium and small enterprises in the chain.

  According to the latest statistics from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, as of April 15, the average operating rate of industrial enterprises above designated size nationwide reached 99%, and the operating rate of SMEs reached 84%. Liu Xingguo believes that this benefits from the full communication and coordination between relevant departments, regions and enterprises, as well as the leading enterprises to promote the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, and large and medium-sized enterprises to cooperate and resume production.

  "In an open economic system, different links of the industrial chain are often laid out in different countries and regions." Liu Xingguo suggested that relevant enterprises should take appropriate measures in a timely manner, such as finding alternative suppliers in advance; adjust the procurement plan to strive for The epidemic affects the procurement reserve before stopping production; strives to obtain the supplier's priority supply rights. In the long run, it is necessary to accelerate the international layout of the industrial chain, enhance the domestic substitution capability of the industrial chain, and improve the safety level of China's industrial chain.


  Maintain basic operations

  Guarantee grassroots public services and improve the efficiency of the use of financial funds

  "Maintaining grassroots operations is to ensure that municipal, county, township (street), village (community) and other departments and public service agencies open their offices to fund the normal operation of public services such as education, medical care, public security, hydropower, and public transportation. Zhao Quanhou, director of the Financial Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Finance Sciences, believes that effective operation at the grassroots level is the basic condition for promoting the implementation of various policies and the basic requirement for protecting the vital interests of the masses.

  In order to firmly hold the bottom line of "guarantee wages, operations, and basic people's livelihood" at the grassroots level, this year, the central government has increased its transfer payments to local governments, and determined to increase the percentage of local fiscal funds retained in stages.

  "In addition to increasing transfer payments and reducing general expenditures, maintaining grassroots operations must also be based on a long-term perspective. Active fiscal policies should be more proactive and effective, and through more in-depth fiscal system reform, the efficiency of the use of fiscal funds should be improved." Zhao Quanhou said.

  On the one hand, through special debt, PPP and other models, the use of financial funds to mobilize social capital to participate in the construction and operation of public infrastructure, to reduce the pressure of financial funds to play a single role. On the other hand, it will effectively lower the barriers to entry of social capital, mobilize the enthusiasm of private investment, so that financial funds can be more and better concentrated on public services, good steel is used on the blade, and it is better used to protect basic livelihood.

  (Reported by our reporter Wang Zheng, Qu Zhehan, Lu Yanan, Li Changyu, Li Xinping, Wang Guan, Wang Hao, Zhao Zhanhui and Ding Yiting)

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