Teller Report

Spring explosion "new"! Do not open this post in "Meals"

4/19/2020, 10:43:16 AM

  Take a bite raw, and do n’t know the taste of meat in March.

  In Zhejiang, there are many ways of spring bamboo shoots, meat can be vegetarian, soup can be stewed, braised or simmered, bamboo shoots barbecue, bamboo shoots stewed chicken, and the most common is probably the braised bamboo shoots, every family will eat every family will do.

  Xikou Town is the main production area of ​​thunder shoots in Zhejiang Province. The local thunder bamboo plantation can be traced back to the late Qing Dynasty, as evidenced by the local "Yuanyuan Township Records": "Thunder shoots, startling sting out".

The picture shows the bamboo shoots. Xiang Jingshe

  Entering the Kangling Village of Xikou Town, Fenghua District, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, the salty and roasted bamboo shoots flew over. From Kangling Village to Yantou, many villagers set up a stove at the door to roast mutton and braised bamboo shoots, and the whole family was sitting around peeling shells and cleaning bamboo shoots, which was very lively.

The picture shows stripping spring bamboo shoots. Photo by Lin Bo

【Simmered bamboo shoots】

  Every spring, this small village will collectively "new" the spring explosion-braised bamboo shoots.

Braised bamboo shoots with oil. Photo by Lin Bo

  The stove for cooking bamboo shoots, with a diameter of more than one meter, can hold hundreds of kilograms of bamboo shoots in one pot. The wood burning underneath crackled, and the brine in the pot "clucked". These are the old tastes inherited.

Braised bamboo shoots in the pan. Photo by Lin Bo

  Roasted bamboo shoots with roasted bamboo shoots, dried duck pot with dried bamboo shoots, and shredded bamboo shoot soup with snow vegetables ... In fact, it is not just braised bamboo shoots in Fenghua oil. In many places in Zhejiang, spring popped spring bamboo shoots have "N + 1" eating methods.

  There are many delicacies hidden in the mountains of Zhejiang Province in spring. Spring bamboo shoots are one of them. They followed the pace of the recovery of everything and broke ground. Various delicacies about "bamboo shoots" are singing tongue-changing variations in this spring.

【Spring Bamboo Shoots】

  In Zhejiang, Chunsun barbecue is a home-cooked food in every household.

Spring bamboo shoots. Photo by Lin Bo

  When the spring bamboo shoots are combined with meat, the taste is even more unwilling to stop. Spring bamboo shoots is a home-cooked dish, the main materials are bamboo shoots, pork belly and so on.

The picture shows a spring barbecue. Photo by Lin Bo

【Bamboo Clay Pot with Bamboo Shoots】

  The simmered chicken with spring bamboo shoots has delicious soup and is suitable for all ages.

The picture shows the spring chicken clay pot. Xiang Jingshe

  Chunsun local chicken pot is a famous dish in Jiangnan. Slow cook on low heat, simmer until the umami of bamboo shoots and native chicken is fully released, the chicken is fragrant and soft, the spring bamboo shoots are tender and crisp, the soup is oily, and the entrance is sweet. Whether it is delicious or nutritious, this spring bamboo shoot claypot is the first choice for Zhejiang people to entertain guests.

【Bamboo Duck Bun】 【Bamboo Duck Soup Bun】

Cut spring bamboo shoots. Photo by Lin Bo

  Cut the bamboo shoots into diced pieces, add minced meat, diced lettuce, diced dried diced, shredded egg, diced cabbage and other condiments to prepare this unique filling from spring.

The picture shows the fillings for buns and soups. Photo by Lin Bo

  Wrap the prepared stuffing in the bun skin and steam it after steaming.

The picture shows the freshly baked buns. Photo by Lin Bo

After breaking apart, the filling is full and the fragrance is overflowing. Photo by Lin Bo

  Steamed for ten minutes in the basket, the house was filled with hot water vapor accompanied by a different aroma composed of bamboo shoots and fresh meat. Take a sip, the meaty incense of fresh meat with the sweetness and crisp taste of bamboo shoots, like a taste of spring's unique fairy.

  The bamboo shoot soup is wrapped with a thin soup wrapper.

Bamboo shoot soup. Photo by Lin Bo

【Scallion pickle soup】

  The secret of the pickled bamboo shoot soup is "to keep a drop of oil". Only the pickled cabbage and spring bamboo shoots marinated in Ningbo orthodox can make an appetizer.

Pickled cabbage soup. Photo by Lin Bo

  Cut the bamboo shoots and pickles into pieces for spare; add appropriate amount of water to the pot and boil; first put the bamboo shoots to boil, then add the pickles to boil, add a little salt to close the pot.

  The shredded bamboo shoot soup has the sweetness of shredded bamboo shoots and the slightly sour taste of pickles, which is very suitable for appetizers.

The picture shows the pickled cabbage soup. Photo by Lin Bo

【Dried bamboo shoots】

  There are many bamboo forests in many places in Zhejiang, and all kinds of delicious bamboo shoots can grow all year round. But for local farmers, fresh bamboo shoots cannot be preserved for a long time, which requires making them into dried bamboo shoots.

  Dried bamboo shoots can not only be kept for a long time, but also be a supplement to many cuisines, such as dried bamboo shoots and old duck pot.

Cook bamboo shoots. Photo by Lin Bo

  After the boiled bamboo shoots are removed to remove the moisture, directly take them out and put them on a clean bamboo shoot, spread them out and let them dry in the sun. During the drying process, the bamboo shoots should be turned frequently, so that the bamboo shoots can be dehydrated as soon as possible, and the homemade shoots will be ready after it is completely dried.

The picture shows dried bamboo shoots. Photo by Lin Bo

  Deep in the memory, there are bamboo shoots with hot air, carrying the taste of ordinary life of Zhejiang people. The taste of hometown in this taste bud will be unforgettable for life.

  In the name of spring, light up every beautiful wish. I hope that after the epidemic, accept the invitation of Zhejiang, go to this beautiful land, take a walk, take a look, taste it, and feel the leisurely atmosphere of spring.

  Author: Lin Bo