Teller Report

Special charity concert to support the delivery of "Letter of Love" by 80 global anti-epidemic stars

4/19/2020, 8:31:22 PM

  "One World: Unite at Home" special charity concert supports the world's
80 anti-epidemic star home delivery performance "Letter of Love"

  The special charity concert "One World: Unite at Home" jointly organized by the World Health Organization and the international charity organization "Global Citizen Movement" was held online from 2 to 10 on the 19th of Beijing time. Gaga, the Beckhams and others are all involved. The online performance was praised by netizens around the world, and some netizens commented: "This is what the global village should be."

  Zhang Xueyou Chen Yixun sang

  Lang Lang couples four hands

  The concert was regarded as an upgraded version of live aid by fans, and was hosted by the three major US talk show hosts Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Cammore, and Stephen Cobell. Artists participating in the concert include 80 global superstars such as Taylor Swift, Rolling Stones, Celine Dion, "Legend Brother" John Legend.

  The two Chinese heavyweight singers Zhang Xueyou and Chen Yixun's appearance attracted the most attention from the Chinese. Zhang Xueyou sang the English song "Touch Of Love" at the concert to pay tribute to anti-epidemic personnel all over the world. He said in Mandarin: "If you have nothing to do at home, let's sing." As you can see from the video, Jacky Cheung only took out his mobile phone and played an accompaniment, and opened his mouth to sing. Netizens deserved to be the God of Songs, and singing at random was at the concert level.

  Eason Chan sang the Cantonese song "I Have Nothing" and John Lennon's "Love". Before singing, Eason Chan thanked the medical staff in both Chinese and English: "I want to take this opportunity to thank the medical staff for your selflessness, your love, your efforts, and come on!"

  Chinese pianist Lang Lang teamed up with his wife Gina to perform the four-handed piano repertoire "Nocturne in B-flat minor Op.9 No.1" at the concert. After playing the couple, they both loved and paid tribute to the medical staff. In an interview with the Beijing Youth Daily reporter on the afternoon of April 19, Lang Lang explained the reason for choosing this song, "Because everyone is at home, this song is a family song, so Gina and I chose this song for romance and happiness. The song, I hope that through this song let everyone feel the warmth and happiness at home, pass the blessings of peace and prayers. "Lang Lang used" great "to describe his feelings at the moment:" This is a very memorable day . I will remember my whole life. "Regarding the finale, Lang Lang revealed that he was performing at his home in Shanghai. During the performance, his wife Gina helped him take the mirror.

  Lady Gaga participated in the planning

  "Letterhead for the Love of the World"

  At the end of the concert, Celine Dion, Lady Gaga, Andrea Bocelli, "Legendary Brother" and Lang Lang teamed up with a song "The Prayer" and ended the "One Wolrd: Together At Home" charity concert.

  The performance was accompanied by Lang Lang for four singers. Celine Dion, Lady Gaga and Andre Bocelli performed a touching three-part harmony, which surprised the audience.

  "The Prayer" was originally two separate versions recorded by Celine Dion and Andre Bocelli for the 1998 children's film "Looking for Camelot", and then the two were at the 1999 Academy Awards The chorus is released as a single. It won the Oscar for Best Original Song in 1999 and the Grammy Award for Best Pop Music Collaboration in 2000.

  The performance two hours after the concert passed international television and other international television broadcasts such as ABC, NBC, BBC One, Viacom CBS Networks, etc. The broadcast network performs parallel live broadcasting. The United Nations network TV broadcasts the whole process.

  As the planner of this global charity charity performance, American pop singer Lady Gaga described the event as a "letter of love for the world", and commended all the brave and fearless staff who fought hard on the global front line of anti-epidemic And called on the private sector and philanthropists to generously contribute to the solidarity fund. According to CCTV news client news, on the 19th local time, WHO Director-General Tan Desai expressed on his personal social media that he would like to thank all the artists who participated in the "One World: United at Home" charity concert and donated to the "Unity Fund" Support of frontline personnel against the epidemic. According to the event organizer, it has received a total of 127.9 million US dollars in donations.

  Online performance details funny

  Video background attracts attention

  In this unprecedented performance, in addition to the wonderful performances of the artists, careful netizens also found a lot of interesting or touching details.

  American male singer "Broken Eyebrow" Charlie Puth sang the popular song "See You Again" at a public welfare concert, and then returned to sing "Attention". In addition to commenting on "good taste", a group of netizens also naughtyly asked, "Is the only one staring at the pile of clothes on the bed"? "The bed is more chaotic than mine, and I will clean it up if I record the video anyway." It turned out that the background of the "Broken Eyebrow" performance was a bed with quilts and clothes stacked on it. Later, "Broken Eyebrow" responded: The performance was in the parents' home.

  During the performance, Lady Gaga as the opening guest rehearsed the public welfare track "Smile". When she sang, the camera scanned the content on the score, and the graffiti version of the piano score instantly became a hot topic. Some netizens popularly said: This is not the score is the standard tempo, because my piano teacher said that the tempo is also painted like this.

  Near the end of the concert, "Mould" performed "Soon You'll Get Better". The background of her performance-the Chinese-style "Hetang Moonlight" wallpaper also attracted the attention of many netizens.

  The members of the Rolling Stones each completed this gathering together at home, and sang their 1969 classic "You Can't Always Get What You Want".

  Before the performance began, the lead singer Mick Jagger said with a smile, "I hope you know this song", and then began the performance. At the bottom right of the screen, the band drummer Charles Watts has been playing the "air drum" without a drum at home. This picture has attracted the attention of netizens-some people commented: very cute and very touching.

  Although this online performance is not comparable to a live performance, and the sound is not satisfactory, it has been praised by many netizens: "This is what the global village should be."

  Text / Reporter Shou Penghuan Lun Tian Tianting

  Coordinator / Liu Jianghua


  What is "live aid"?

  35 years ago, there was famine in Ethiopia. To help raise funds for disaster relief, on July 13, 1985, a live rock aid live concert (Chinese name "Save Life"), which lasted 16 hours and spanned both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, was held in London, UK and Philadelphia, USA. This live aid gathered more than 100 famous rock and roll singers all over the world, including Bob Dylan, David Bowie, Madonna and so on. The performance was broadcast live to more than 140 countries through the global communications satellite network, setting a peak viewing audience of 1.05 billion viewers and raising US $ 80 million.