Teller Report

Coronavirus: one million euros released to equip all Mayennais with washable masks

4/19/2020, 2:40:39 PM

In France, several communities are organizing to provide masks to their inhabitants by May 11. In Mayenne, an envelope of one million euros was released for the order of 300,000 washable fabric masks. They will be distributed to all Mayennais the weekend before the scheduled deconfinement date.

In France, several communities are organizing to provide masks to their inhabitants by May 11. In Mayenne, an envelope of one million euros was released for the order of 300,000 washable fabric masks. They will be distributed to all Mayennais the weekend before the scheduled deconfinement date.

The mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, said Sunday that 500,000 masks would be available at the end of April for Parisians, in order to fight against the Covid-19 pandemic and support the deconfinement of the capital. But it is not only the capital that is organizing. Several communities are working to provide masks to their residents, as in Mayenne where the entire population will be equipped for May 11. The department has planned to provide its entire population with individual protection.

>> LIVE - Coronavirus: follow the evolution of the situation

Washable 40 times

"More than two weeks ago, we validated this order for 300,000 masks produced up to 50,000 to 100,000 per week", explains Olivier Richefou, president of the Departmental Council. From a local manufacture, these fabric masks will be washable about forty times. As for the distribution, it will be done directly by the Mayennais, 4,000 of whom have already volunteered. The weekend before May 11, they will roam the streets of the 260 municipalities of the department to deliver all the inhabitants.


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One million euro envelope

"We want these distributions to be done in pairs", explains Olivier Richefou, specifying that the people in charge of this distribution will wear a distinctive sign and will be provided with a certificate ". These people" will respect the barrier gestures ", assures- he, explaining that it will ring at the Mayenne door and drop the package of masks on the ground.

For this operation, the department has released an envelope of one million euros. An initiative that has been emulated in France since other departments have in turn placed massive orders to equip their population.

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