Teller Report

Coronavirus: for Philippe Douste-Blazy, "we must take advantage of before May 11 to test right away"

4/19/2020, 5:52:16 PM

Invited to react, Sunday evening, on the press point of Prime Minister Edouard Philippe on the situation linked to the coronavirus, the former Minister of Health and professor of medicine, Philippe Douste-Blazy warned on Europe 1 of the need to avoid a rebound effect via & nbsp; an important strategy based on isolation, masks, but especially tests.

Invited to react, Sunday evening, on the press point of Prime Minister Edouard Philippe on the situation linked to the coronavirus, the former Minister of Health and professor of medicine, Philippe Douste-Blazy warned on Europe 1 of the need to avoid a rebound effect via an important strategy based on isolation, masks, but especially tests.


"I have a little difference with the Prime Minister, it is that I believe that we must take advantage of the confinement and the three weeks which separate us from May 11 to go there immediately" declared Philippe Douste-Blazy, evoking the need to use more nasal screening tests. Guest of Europe 1, Sunday, the former Minister of Health, cardiologist, epidemiologist and professor of medicine affirmed "that there are enough tests provided to guide the mobile screening teams" to the territories where the we know that the virus is rampant.

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