Teller Report

A hero and a miracle in the flames of the Jarama

4/19/2020, 2:31:22 PM

Even today, half a century later, Andrés Mas Vázquez has not been able to erase from memory the night his father returned home after the 1970 Spanish Grand Prix. It was the print




Sunday, April 19, 2020 - 3:14 PM

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  • Opinion. The best commissioner in all history and that anonymous hero of the Civil Guard

Even today, half a century later, Andrés Mas Vázquez has been unable to erase from memory the night his father returned home after the 1970 Spanish Grand Prix . It was the picture of a man who had come to fight 400 liters of gasoline spilled on the Jarama asphalt . “He appeared in the same clothes he had worked with during the race. A blue polo shirt, with its distinctive armband, jeans and sneakers. All bitten by the flames. The singed hair and eyelashes,

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