Teller Report

The "World Health" issues recommendations regarding religious and social practices during Ramadan

4/18/2020, 11:52:10 PM

The World Health Organization confirmed that the blessed month of Ramadan is characterized by social and religious rapprochement, but its coming this year in light of the continued pandemic of the Corona Virus "Covid 19" requires adherence to decisions to cancel social and religious forums at the present time, and compensate it with default alternatives on

The World Health Organization confirmed that the holy month of Ramadan is characterized by social and religious rapprochement, but its coming this year in light of the continuation of the Corona Virus pandemic "Covid 19" requires adherence to the decisions to cancel social and religious forums at the present time, and compensate it with virtual alternatives on TV platforms and social media, Noting the need to involve religious leaders in an early stage of decision-making, in order to be able to participate actively in communicating any decision affecting activities and events related to the month of Ramadan.

The organization stressed the need to seriously consider the cancellation of social and religious forums, and the organization recommended that any decision to restrict, amend, postpone, cancel or proceed to a collective gathering contract is based on a model risk assessment, as these decisions should fall into a comprehensive approach taken by the national authorities in their response The outbreak of the disease, and in the event it was decided to cancel religious and social gatherings, wherever possible, and to compensate them with virtual alternatives on platforms such as television, radio, internet and social media, noting that if Ramadan gatherings are allowed, measures should be applied to mitigate the risks of transmission of infection as Wafid - 19.

The organization pointed out that the national health authorities should be considered the primary source of information and advice related to physical separation and other measures related to Covid-19 in the context of the month of Ramadan and its rituals, and care must be taken to ensure compliance with the applied measures, and religious leaders should be involved at an early stage of decision-making, in order to be able to participate in a form She is active in communicating any decision that affects the activities and events related to the month of Ramadan.

She stressed the need to adopt a strong communication strategy with the general population to clarify the reasons for taking decisions, give clear instructions and stress the importance of following national policies, and that the communication strategy also include proactive messages about health behaviors during the pandemic and the use of different media platforms, with the need to adhere to advice related to physical distance from By strictly adhering to leaving a distance of at least one meter (3 feet) between people at all times, and using culturally and religiously acceptable greeting methods that exclude contact, such as waving, nodding, or placing a hand on the heart, preventing the gathering of large numbers A lot of people are in places associated with Ramadan activities, such as entertainment, markets and shops.

The organization has provided advice to the most vulnerable groups, urging people who feel sick or show symptoms of Covid-19 to avoid participating in events and follow national guidelines on follow-up and remedial measures for cases where symptoms of the disease appear, as well as the elderly and any people who suffer from Previous medical conditions (such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, chronic respiratory diseases, and cancer) are not attending the gatherings, because they are considered to be at highest risk of severe disease and death from COFID-19.

Mandatory measures
The organization stressed the need to apply a number of measures to any gathering of people during the month of Ramadan, such as praying and visiting holy places and collective breakfasts or banquets, including setting up the event in an open place if possible; and ensuring adequate ventilation of the place and air flow in it, and shortening the duration of the event as possible to limit Among the possibilities of exposure to infection, giving preference to holding rituals and events in multiple small groups instead of holding them in large groups, and commitment to physical distance between those present sitting and standing, through the designation of dedicated places, including when performing the prayers and during ablution and in the maraf Mass ablution, as well as in areas designated for the removal of shoes, regulating the number and flow of people entering, attending and leaving places of worship or religious thresholds or other places to ensure their separation at all times, in addition to considering taking easy measures to track contacts with the identification of a person with the disease between Attendees at a specific event.

Acts of Righteousness
The Department emphasized the necessity of ensuring the application of measures of physical separation during the performance of righteousness such as giving Zakat and distributing food and alms to the poor, noting that in order to avoid mass gatherings on breakfast tables, consideration can be given to distributing individual prepackaged cans pre-packaged, and can also organize that Central bodies and institutions with adherence to the rules for physical spacing at all stages (processing, packaging, storage and distribution).

Risks of fasting
The World Health Organization confirmed that no studies have been conducted on fasting and the risks of infection with COFED-19 and it is assumed that healthy people will be able to fast during Ramadan as in previous years, while patients with COFED-19 should consider getting A legal license to break the fast during the month of Ramadan in consultation with their doctors, as is the case with any other disease.

The organization pointed out that the Covid-19 pandemic has restricted the movement of many people, but, if the restrictions allow it, care should be taken to physical separation and peaceful hygiene of the hands even during the exercise of any sporting activity, and instead of external activities it encourages physical activity inside the home and exercise classes. on the Internet.