Teller Report

Neurosurgery chief of Hospital Puerta del Hierro, pioneer in the treatment of spinal cord injury, dies from Covid-19

4/18/2020, 5:07:10 PM

The head of the Neurology Service at the Puerta de Hierro hospital in Majadahonda, Jesús Vaquero, a world leader in the development of cell therapy for the treatment of injuries

The head of the Neurology Service at the Puerta de Hierro hospital in Majadahonda, Jesús Vaquero, a world leader in the development of cell therapy for the treatment of spinal cord injuries, has died of COVID-19.

This has been confirmed to Efe by hospital sources, who have indicated that Dr. Vaquero, 69, died this Friday after a few months on leave "without performing healthcare activities", so he would not have contracted the disease in the development of his exercise.

Dr. Vaquero was professor and author of more than 700 scientific publications and has been the head of Neurosurgery for Puerta de Hierro since 1992. As a surgeon or supervisor, he was responsible for more than 4,000 neurosurgical interventions.

After twenty years of research and the publication of four clinical trials led by Dr. Vaquero, the Spanish Medicines Agency authorized the first treatment with cell therapy for patients with spinal cord injuries, a pioneering drug that has been developed entirely by professionals at Hospital Puerta of iron.

It was the first advanced therapy and non-industrial manufacturing medicine authorized in Spain by the Spanish Agency for Medicines for hospital use, 1 or a milestone for research activity.

Vaquero was a professor at the Autonomous University of Madrid and holder of the Neuroscience Chair at the Rafael del Pino Foundation.

The Spanish Committee of Representatives of People with Disabilities (CERMI) has expressed in a statement its regret and sadness at the death of the doctor, who in 2014 awarded his main award.

The Rafael del Pino Foundation has expressed "enormous admiration" for Vaquero's "personal kindness and humility and professional excellence", of whom he has highlighted "his effort and dedication to the noble task of health".

The death of Dr. Vaquero does not count as the health workers who died from COVID-19, as the four health workers who have died in Madrid in the development of their healthcare activity since the start of the pandemic.

The last deceased toilet occurred on Thursday, the medical director of the Santa Cristina University Hospital in Madrid and acting manager of this center, Emilio Úcar Corral.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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