Teller Report

The Ministry of Public Security cracked down on the criminal activities of scalping meltblown cloth and arrested 42 suspects

4/17/2020, 2:37:15 AM

  China News Service, Beijing, April 17 (Reporter Zhang Ziyang) Recently, the Ministry of Public Security deployed a special crackdown to deal with the increase in the criminal activities of melt-blown cloth for the core raw materials of reselling production masks. A total of 20 cases were cracked and 42 suspects were arrested The amount of the case involved was 34.45 million yuan, which effectively deterred criminal activities of coaxing the price of melt-blown cloth, and effectively curbed the trend of chaotic price increase of melt-blown cloth.

  Since the outbreak of the New Crown epidemic, a handful of criminals have scalped the core raw materials needed for the production of masks. They have hoarded prices, speculatively increased prices, bought short sales, and other methods to raise prices and make huge profits, which is very bad in nature. Affected by this, the meltblown fabric market price once surged, seriously disrupting the normal production and operation order, seriously damaging the legitimate rights and interests of other operators and consumers, and seriously affecting the prevention and control of the epidemic situation. The Ministry of Public Security attaches great importance to this, and cooperates with the General Administration of Market Supervision to quickly deploy special case operations, comprehensively carry out clue verification, case investigation office, trial and arrest. Under the unified command of the Ministry of Public Security, the public security organs around the country focused on the distribution of melt-blown distributors, tracing the source and the direction of investigation, conducting investigations throughout the chain and all links, and quickly cracked down a batch of cases, forming a strong force for such crimes. Shocked. The public security organ of Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, cracked two consecutive cases of price hikes and illegal operation of meltblown cloth during the epidemic, and arrested 4 criminal suspects with a total amount of more than 10 million yuan. The Shenzhen public security organ cracked the case of Zheng Moujin's production and sales of fake and inferior meltblown cloth, involving a total amount of 760,000 yuan. The public security organ of Dongyang City, Zhejiang Province started with a case of coaxing prices to sell meltblown fabrics, digging deeper into the line, cracking the case of Kongmou, Zhaomouxin and others illegally operating, producing and selling fake and inferior products, arresting 21 criminal suspects and confiscating inferior melts 8.89 tons were sprayed. Public security agencies in Shandong Binzhou and Xinxiang, Henan, respectively, cracked down one case in which prices were raised during the epidemic and illegal operation of meltblown fabrics was carried out. The total amount involved was more than 3 million yuan.

  The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Public Security stated that protective materials are an important guarantee for defeating the epidemic. The public security organs will always maintain a "zero tolerance" against illegal crimes involving protective materials related to the epidemic. Various illegal and criminal activities, to create a safe and stable social environment for winning the epidemic prevention, control and resistance. At the same time, we are telling those criminals who are trying to speculate on reselling protective materials and waiting for the opportunity to make "national hardships", or they will be severely punished by the law.

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