Teller Report

The head of the Central Bank assessed the situation with the restructuring of loans to individuals

4/17/2020, 8:58:38 AM

The head of the Central Bank Elvira Nabiullina during an online conference commented on the situation with the restructuring of loans to individuals.

“By April 15, borrowers filed more than 585 thousand requests for restructuring. Compared with the results of the previous monitoring, the share of satisfied applications of citizens has increased significantly - from 14% to 44%, which is almost 200 thousand loans, ”TASS quoted Nabiullina.

Earlier it was reported that Sberbank, as part of its own program, conducted a restructuring of loans for 12.5 thousand contracts worth 38.3 billion rubles.

Lazar Badalov, associate professor at the Department of World Economy and World Finance at the Financial University under the Government of Russia, assessed the situation in the credit services market. In an interview with FBA “Economics Today”, he noted that the current situation affects all market participants.