Teller Report

Masks at 15 euros: The Government will control the prices of the protection material "imminently"

4/17/2020, 3:01:54 PM

The Government will begin to control "imminently" the prices of some of the basic elements of protection against the coronavirus, such as masks, gels and gloves. Ci

The Government will begin to control "imminently" the prices of some of the basic elements of protection against the coronavirus, such as masks, gels and gloves. Five weeks after the state of alarm was decreed. This was stated by the Minister of Consumer Affairs, Alberto Garzón, in an interview on TVE collected by Europa Press.

Since the pandemic broke out, sales of these products have grown exponentially and many companies (cosmetics, the perfume industry, textiles ...) have reoriented their production and are manufacturing hydroalcoholic gels or masks to supply current demand. .

Despite the industry's efforts to supply the population, prices have increased . Garzón regretted that there are "very minority" sectors or manufacturers that have chosen to raise the prices of these sanitary materials to take advantage of this critical context.

As the minister has said, before the pandemic these products vary 60 cents, compared to the 15 and 20 euros that now cost in some cases. "Certain actors in the gloves, gels and masks sector have chosen to raise prices and enrich themselves at the cost of fear and the need of citizens, causing a major problem for some families. Therefore, it is imminent that there be clear control and said of the prices of masks and other medical devices, "he said.

Garzón already pointed out a few weeks ago that the Government would monitor any anomalous price increase, both in sanitary material and food. The alama state decree allows the Executive to intervene in the prices of this type of sanitary material.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

Know more

  • Alberto Garzón
  • Stay at home
  • Coronavirus

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