Teller Report

In Russia, they will test a robot for collecting tests for coronavirus

4/17/2020, 10:52:39 AM

A new robot has been created in Russia for the contactless collection of coronavirus tests; development has not yet been sent for licensing to the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare, said Dmitry Pushkar, chief urologist at the Ministry of Health.

“The new robot allows a specialist who is behind the glass, in a room where air is rarefied, to reach the pharynx through special openings, without using hands, using a remote controller. Take this analysis directly and deliver it to a test tube, ”he told RIA Novosti.

According to Pushkar, the device is made on the platform of the Russian surgical robot.

“We must first be accepted by the medical community in the person of our specialists in epidemiology and infection. It needs to be clinically tested, it can be done quickly enough. Then we plan, of course, to send it for licensing, ”he said.

Earlier, Roszdravnadzor reported that the accuracy of 11 test systems for detecting coronavirus infection COVID-19, registered in Russia, is more than 95%.