Teller Report

Guilin, the vice mayor of Guangxi, broadcasts the special products of Guilin

4/17/2020, 3:04:26 AM

  From 16 pm to 18:00 pm on April 16th, Guilin Deputy Mayor Xie Lingzhong "airborne" Taobao live broadcast room and joined hands with Taobao anchors to recommend good food with Guilin characteristics to netizens. According to statistics, over 400,000 people watched online in the live broadcast room, the transaction volume exceeded 16,000 orders, and the transaction amount exceeded 3 million yuan.

  In the live broadcast room, Xie Lingzhong actively interacted with netizens and recommended Guilin rice noodles, osmanthus cake, Luo Han Guo, Lipu taro, Guilin Sanhua wine, Qingquan glutinous rice wine, handheld stabilizer and other 7 categories of Guilin excellent products for netizens. The popular foods and poverty alleviation products recommended by the live broadcast are loved by netizens, who have rushed to buy orders and almost sold them on the shelves. Netizens yelled, "Guilin's specialty is too delicious. (Li Huili, editor of Ou Huilan)

Editor in charge: [Li Ji]