Teller Report

The Public Prosecution: a media detention for provoking ethnic strife

4/15/2020, 7:55:37 PM

The Federal Public Prosecutor's Office ordered the arrest and remand of an emirate media outlet after the Federal Bureau of Investigation of the Attorney General’s Office monitored a video clip of him on the Internet that contained a distinction between the children of communities residing on the land of the UAE on the basis of nationality

The Federal Public Prosecution ordered the arrest and detention of an emirate media outlet after the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) affiliated to the Attorney General’s Office monitored a video clip of him on the Internet that contained a distinction between the children of the communities residing on the land of the UAE on the basis of nationality and race, and in contempt for one of these communities, which It offends the state and undermines its efforts to spread the values ​​of tolerance and conflicts with the principle of justice and equality, which is one of the foundations of the United Arab Emirates.

The spokesperson for the Federal Public Prosecution said that the aforementioned journalist had been subjected to a judicial investigation in order to behave legally in the crimes attributed to him.

The speaker called on all social media users on the Internet to abide by the laws of the state, and to preserve its authentic values ​​that encourage respect for all, and not to differentiate between people on the basis of race, religion, language or gender, and that they are uncompromising constraints with prejudice.