Teller Report

Ministry of Ecology and Environment: Approved 28 railway-related projects from January to March

4/15/2020, 3:50:16 AM

  China News Service, April 15th, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment held a regular press conference in March. The spokesperson of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment Liu Youbin introduced that from January to March, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment has approved 28 projects involving railway and oil and gas development. , Coal mining, water conservancy projects and other projects, involving a total investment of 505.6 billion yuan. A total of 27,900 projects have been approved by the EIA approval departments at all levels nationwide, involving a total investment of 2.4 trillion yuan. 21,000 sub-industry projects have been exempted from the EIA registration form. 1,577 key pig breeding projects nationwide were included in the list management.

  Liu Youbin introduced that the Ministry of Ecology and Environment issued the “Guiding Opinions on Doing a Good Job in the Prevention and Control of Outbreaks and the Eco-environmental Protection of Economic and Social Development”, established “two positive lists” for EIA approval and supervision and law enforcement, and actively supported the resumption and resumption of production in related industries.

  First, pay close attention to the implementation of the positive list of EIA approvals. As of March 22, a total of 2,583 emergency services for epidemic prevention and control were provided nationwide. From January to March, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment has approved 28 projects involving railways, oil and gas development, coal mining, and water conservancy projects, involving a total investment of 505.6 billion yuan. A total of 27,900 projects have been approved by the EIA approval departments at all levels nationwide, involving a total investment of 2.4 trillion yuan. 21,000 sub-industry projects have been exempted from the EIA registration form. 1,577 key pig breeding projects nationwide were included in the list management.

  The second is to implement a positive list of detailed supervision and enforcement. All regions actively explored the implementation of remote law enforcement and off-site law enforcement models, continuously optimized law enforcement methods, and promoted mobile law enforcement, big data monitoring, online data, dynamic data analysis, etc. as the main supervision methods during the implementation of the positive list, to achieve classification and grading, and precise environment Law enforcement, continuously improve the effectiveness of law enforcement. Up to now, 27,000 enterprises in 13 provinces (including the Corps) have been included in the positive list of supervision and law enforcement.

  The third is to take the initiative to help enterprises resume work and production. All localities actively implemented the "Guiding Opinions", and 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) ecological and environmental departments issued relevant documents or specific work plans, adopted green channels, simplified environmental assessment approval, strengthened environmental protection trust, implemented inclusive and prudential supervision, and accurately allocated funds A series of measures, such as technology, have increased the support and guarantee for enterprises to resume production.

  In the next step, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment will continue to strengthen and implement the measures that have been issued in accordance with the decisions of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, and actively help enterprises resume work and production, and promote win-win economic, environmental and social benefits.