Teller Report

Who's done

4/15/2020, 4:16:25 PM

“If the Americans demanded money from Europe’s long-suffering political impotence, this is one thing. And here is China. An ancient country with a thousand-year history, 250 nearly American years for them - what to sneeze. The demand for China to cover American spending is, of course, unheard-of arrogance. It is unlikely that such a demarche will remain unanswered by the Middle Kingdom. These are oriental people, wise, they have a good memory. ”

The Americans, of course, are in some ways well done. Whatever happens, take advantage of it. Seven troubles - one answer. The scenario has not changed for many years.

The whole world is fighting Nazism during World War II, the Soviet Union is breaking the ridge of Hitler, the Red Army is taking Berlin. Who is the main winner and to whom should everyone be grateful that Hitler was defeated? Of course, the USA!

The world is threatened by terrorism in the form of ISIS *, which appeared due to the destruction of the state in Iraq. Who is the main fighter and collector of an incompetent coalition of 60 (!) States? Of course, Washington!

The planet is fighting the coronavirus, people are quarantined, the economy is crumbling. Which country has the best disease testing and detection system? And again in the USA! But we perfectly remembered Trump's words that such high numbers of patients in America are explained by a “very good testing system” compared to how it happens in other countries.

Who is to blame for all the troubles? Here, too, there is no need to invent difficulties, everything is simple. Recorded in the US Security Doctrine. Open, read: China, Russia, Iran. As they say, underline the necessary.

No wonder it is said: everything ingenious is simple. And in this sense, the Americans do not philosophize slyly. In a simple and without extra curtsy they do their job: squeeze as much as possible, master successfully.

And is it hard to understand them? Well, if fate itself presented such a gift on a silver platter: a "Chinese" virus, under which one can attribute so many accumulated problems? Unemployment, debts, the stock market bubble ... You have to be a notorious gentleman in order not to take advantage of this situation, and the gentleman west of Suez is not responsible for what the gentleman east of Suez does, as you know.

And, by the way, the fact that the own citizens of the United States and other prosperous Western countries, as it turns out, do not have normal access to elementary medicine and die by tens of thousands - this, no matter how cynical it sounds, is not even a cost, but a natural selection. Developed capitalism, brother, homo homini lupus est - man to man is a wolf.

However, only weaklings blame all the accumulated problems solely on coronavirus and quarantine, and the powers that be are still hanging the costs of the opponent.

In the US, more and more are talking about requiring China to pay for the pandemic. Two US firms, the Berman Law Group and Lucas-Compton, have sued Beijing to claim damages due to coronavirus. The amount of claims is about $ 6 trillion.

If successful, they intend to seek arrests of Chinese property in the United States and other countries.

If the Americans demanded money from Europe’s long-suffering political impotence, this is one thing. And here is China. An ancient country with a thousand-year history, 250 nearly American years for them - what to sneeze.

The demand for China to cover American spending is, of course, unheard-of arrogance. It is unlikely that such a demarche will remain unanswered by the Middle Kingdom. These are oriental, wise people, their memory is good.

A unique performance is unfolding before our eyes - the battle of giants. Regardless of who wins it, one thing is certain: forces and attention will be largely occupied by this plot. So, I would like to use the freed time and air as efficiently as possible in our own interests. As jokes in social networks: “Coronavirus. Where did the wars in Syria and Ukraine go? Apparently, it’s difficult for the authors to keep several storylines at the same time. ”

So, while the authors of all world crises will be preoccupied with themselves, we may well completely close the Donbass issue, and free Ukraine from Nazism as a whole (it’s high time, especially in the year of the Victory anniversary), and in Kiev, the mother of Russian cities, finally restore order ... In short, there is something to do. Of course, no aggression is a humanitarian operation to save people from the coronavirus.

Americans should often recall the duty to the Indians - for the wrong, smallpox-infected blankets, to the blacks - for exploitation and segregation, to Libya - for the collapse of the country and its transformation into several warring territories. Plus, in front of Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Vietnam and many other countries that have lost hundreds of thousands of people and trillions of dollars because of American “help”.

They don’t want to remember ourselves - we will remind.

* “Islamic State” (ISIS, ISIS) - the organization was recognized as terrorist by decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2014.

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the position of the publisher.