Teller Report

INFO EUROPE 1 - Government to pay exceptional bonus to civil servants

4/15/2020, 6:25:21 AM

After calling on private companies to do so, the State in turn decides to pay an exceptional bonus to civil servants ... Emmanuel Duteil ...

After calling on private companies to do so, the State in turn decides to pay an exceptional bonus to civil servants ... Emmanuel Duteil ...


It is an extremely rare measure. The government will pay an exceptional bonus of up to 1,000 euros to thousands of civil servants. It will be exempt from taxes and social security contributions. The agents concerned are those who have had a significant increase in activity with the confinement linked to the coronavirus. Here, we are not talking about caregivers who will benefit from a specific plan.

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This bonus will be paid, according to our information, for example to teachers who look after the children of caregivers or to customs officials who carry out control operations. This bonus will be paid both to those in the field - such as customs officials - and those who are teleworking. In addition to teachers, more than 200,000 civil servants are able to work from home.


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For the territorial public service, the same system will be put in place. But there, it is the territorial employers who will decide: the idea is, as in the private sector, to reward all those who run the country.