Teller Report

Coronavirus: partial unemployment now concerns 8.7 million employees

4/15/2020, 9:05:22 AM

The partial unemployment system allows the employee to be compensated up to 70% of gross salary and 84% of net salary. Its cost is shared between the State and Unédic, the organization which manages unemployment insurance.

The partial unemployment system allows the employee to be compensated up to 70% of gross salary and 84% of net salary. Its cost is shared between the State and Unédic, the organization which manages unemployment insurance.

Partial unemployment now concerns 8.7 million French workers, Labor Minister Muriel Pénicaud said on Radio Classique on Wednesday. "It is more than one in three employees," she added. "732,000 companies" or "more than one in two companies" benefit from this system, which has been in place since the start of the coronavirus crisis.

>> LIVE - Coronavirus: follow the evolution of the situation Wednesday April 15

"Yes it will make debt, yes it will be difficult"

The Minister confirmed that the cost at this stage was 24 billion euros, as said the Minister of Economy, Bruno Le Maire. "It is an investment (...) yes it will make debt, yes it will be difficult, but it is at this price that we will save jobs and that we will also allow our fabric small and medium businesses continue to exist, "she said. The amending finance bill presented to the Council of Ministers on Wednesday will also allow "the State to guarantee the loans granted by New Caledonia in order to set up an equivalent mechanism for partial unemployment" in this territory, announced Tuesday Edouard Philippe.


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Asked about the restaurant, hotel, tourism, culture and events sectors, Muriel Pénicaud reiterated that the government was preparing "a support plan for these sectors" which will "experience a little longer than others have difficulties. "