Teller Report

Attempts to promote fabric masks made from second-hand clothes

4/15/2020, 10:12:31 PM

"Emirates Today" has detected attempts to promote colorful and decorated fabric masks on social media, whose promoters claimed that it is protective against the Corona virus, but it gives the wearer a false sense of security and does not protect them from infection with the virus. And this industry, which lacks the simplest pain

"Emirates Today" has detected attempts to promote colorful and decorated fabric masks on social media, whose promoters claimed to be protective against the Corona virus, but it gives the wearer a false sense of security and does not protect them from infection with the virus.

And this industry, which lacks the most basic health standards, moved to the UAE market after invading several markets in the world.

The government agencies in the country have organized extensive inspection campaigns that have resulted in the seizure of thousands of fabric masks, some of which are made of used clothes, in unlicensed places, with the aim of exploiting the current health condition to achieve financial profits.

Doctors from different parts of the world published videos on the "Social Media" to educate the public about the difference between medical masks and cloth, as a Chinese doctor wore a medical mask and lit a lighter in front of it, and tried to blow to extinguish the fire from the lighter, but the air did not come out of the muzzle, which means that it is in Safe from catching a virus via medical muzzle. The experiment also carried out after she wore a cloth muzzle, so the air from her mouth penetrated the muzzle and extinguished the fire, which means that the virus may pass through the cloth muzzle.

And the infectious and immunology pathologist, Dr. Jihad Saadeh, warned against wearing cloth masks, stressing that they do not protect against infection with the Corona virus, even if they “reduce the amount of spray coming from the wearer's mouth.”

He noted that the reason for the spread of "cloth masks" among young men and women is not due to the desire to provide health protection, mostly, but rather because it is closer to fashion, "it is colored and carries drawings and pictures of famous people."

"In any case, wearing cloth masks does not protect against the virus," he added.

Health and fashion

A pediatrician at Ajman Hospital, Dr. Tariq Al-Salama, pointed out that the cloth masks are not medically designated to protect against viruses, because the pores in them are large and allow the entry and exit of air from the muzzle naturally, which leads to the possibility of infection by the wearers of the virus or causes it to transmit the infection if He had it. He explained that in the event a person who sneaks with the virus sneezes while wearing a cloth mask, he may transmit the virus to those around him or transfer it to flat places around him, and he followed that the cloth masks are of no use, and they do not protect against diseases.

He explained that everyone should wear approved medical masks, because their pores do not allow the virus to enter or enter, which leads to the protection of its wearers from infection with the virus or the transmission of infection to others, pointing out that public health and safety is more important than fashion and wearing non-medical masks.