Teller Report

Amazon will suspend the activity of its centers in France for five days

4/15/2020, 2:03:13 PM

Sentenced to justice, the American giant will close its French warehouses between April 16 and 20. Time to "complete the assessment of the risks inherent in the Covid-19 epidemic and take the necessary measures to ensure the health and safety of its employees".

Sentenced to justice, the American giant will close its French warehouses between April 16 and 20. Time to "complete the assessment of the risks inherent in the Covid-19 epidemic and take the necessary measures to ensure the health and safety of its employees".

Condemned to confine itself to the delivery of "essential" products as long as it has not assessed the risks of the coronavirus epidemic for its employees, Amazon has finally resolved it. According to information from Capital , confirmed by Europe 1, the American giant headed by Jeff Bezos will close its French warehouses for five days to carry out this assessment.

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Closed between April 16 and April 20

The court of Nanterre estimated Tuesday in a judgment that the company "obviously disregarded its obligation of security and prevention of the health of the employees" in the middle of the coronavirus crisis. At the end of a central Social and Economic Committee held this afternoon, Amazon therefore decided to close them, from April 16 to 20, in order to conduct the risk assessment ordered by French justice.


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A request for partial unemployment

The Nanterre court had been seized by the unions, worried about the health of the employees. At the microphone of Europe 1 Tuesday, Antoine Delorme, CGT union delegate at the warehouse in Sevrey, near Chalon-sur-SaƓne, also confided that "many employees came to work with their balls in their stomachs" during confinement . "Nothing is more important than the safety of our employees," says Amazon, claiming to have distributed on its sites "more than 127,000 packages of disinfectant wipes, more than 27,000 liters of hydroalcoholic gel, as well as more than 1, 5 million masks "in the past four weeks.

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In view of this court decision, Amazon also plans to ask the state to make its French employees benefit from the partial unemployment scheme, which already affects 8.7 million people across the country.