Teller Report

Work more after confinement: "The debate is over", says the president of Medef

4/14/2020, 12:49:31 PM

Invited from Europe 1 Tuesday, the president of Medef, & nbsp; Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux, returned to the debate initiated by his remarks made on Saturday, when he called on the French to work more & nbsp; after the confinement. & quot; All unions & nbsp; responded more or less strongly that it was out of the question. & quot; & nbsp;

Invited from Europe 1 on Tuesday, the president of Medef, Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux, returned to the debate initiated by his remarks made on Saturday, when he called on the French to work more after confinement. "All the unions responded more or less strongly that it was out of the question."

Laurent Berger had deemed his proposal "indecent". Medef president Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux now considers the debate on an extension of working time to be "closed", opened on Saturday by his statements and those of several economic officials calling on the French to work more after confinement to provoke a start economic. "The idea was to work more to earn more, and not, as I read, work more to earn less," he told Europe 1 on Tuesday.

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"I read the answer" from the unions

But an increase in working time "can only be done in social dialogue with unions, by company: I read their answer, so the debate is closed in a certain way, since they all replied more or less strongly than it was out of the question, "said the head of the main French employers' organization.


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"We will have to ask ourselves sooner or later the question of working time, public holidays and paid vacation to accompany the economic recovery and facilitate, by working a little more, the creation of additional growth," he said on Saturday. giving rise to numerous criticisms.