Teller Report

Volunteers in Wuhan during the "war epidemic" two months colleagues saw him envious of this change

4/14/2020, 11:43:13 PM

Author: Huchuan Lin Yang Hongxia

On April 14, Xie Sheng, who had just returned from Wuhan, Hubei to Yangwei Town, Yunxi County, Shiyan City, immediately invested in the special action of the "Learning Together, Hope Together" Hope Project carried out by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League to solve the difficulty of online lessons for children in mountainous areas during the outbreak The problem.

Xie Sheng visited the homes of the impoverished children in Yunxi and distributed tablet computers funded by the Special Action Project of the Hope Project. Respondents provide

In the Spring Festival of 2020, Xie Sheng returned to Wuhan from Yunxi to reunite with his parents. Affected by the closure of Wuhan, he was stranded in his parents' home. On February 10, he took the initiative to sign up at the logistics support point (Guodi Branch of Wuluo Road Primary School) of Fangcai Hospital and became a volunteer of war epidemic disease. He assisted the logistics support point staff in moving materials and packing meals, etc. The battle went down to the community of Jindi Green Town, Hongshan Street, Hongshan District, to distribute living supplies to the home crowd.

Xie Sheng (second from right) and other volunteers are providing community residents with living supplies (data map)

Another identity of Xie Sheng is the director of the Party and Government Office and Secretary of the Youth League Committee of Yangwei Town, Yunxi County. Since attending university in 2012, he has insisted on participating in public welfare activities. After graduating from university, he was assigned to the mountainous area of ​​western Hubei as an elective student. While doing his job well, he used his free time to focus on the theme of poverty eradication and the left-behind children in the mountains, created a "Little Sun Love House" public welfare platform, and actively carried out the "Zhizhi dual support" action to care for the poor children in the mountains.

At the logistics support point of the square cabin hospital, Xie Sheng mainly assisted the canteen workers in moving materials and packing meals. During the peak period, the six staff members packed more than 300 lunches with just one meal, which seemed to be a simple job, but it was actually difficult. In order to ensure that patients and staff can eat hot meals, they must be packaged within a specified time, packed into an incubator, and sent to a transport vehicle. Repeat the work three times a day, and the hands that constantly press the lid of the lunch box will often bleed.

Xie Sheng (first from left) is moving the epidemic prevention materials (data map)

Xie Sheng said that the logistics support point of the shelter cabin hospital has very high requirements for epidemic prevention. Like medical staff, they wear protective clothes and goggles every day, working from 7 am to 6 pm. In order to reduce the frequency of going to the toilet, they should drink less water and control their diet. "After returning to the work unit, my colleagues all envy me for losing weight."

At the same time, while actively dispelling the concerns of his family, he mobilized the parents who were originally logistics staff of the elementary school to participate in the volunteer service of the logistics support point. My father assumed the security duty on campus and often got up late at night to ensure the entry and exit of unloading vehicles. The mother is responsible for the environmental sanitation and killing of the worker's activity area. The family of three fights side by side, tense and fulfilling.

On February 29, as the number of patients in the cabin hospital decreased, Xie Sheng, who was a party member, took the initiative to report to the small town of Gemdale Green. In the community, he mainly helps residents in sealed buildings to distribute living materials, and helps special groups such as elderly people living alone to purchase medicines. In the face of the 80-year-old solitary grandmother and the drug-impaired elderly, Xie Sheng will listen patiently to their troubles and do his best to help them solve their life problems.

Xie Sheng (first from left) and other volunteers are unloading caring vegetables (data map)

On April 8th, after the unblocking of Wuhan, Xie Sheng returned to Yunxi by train for the first time. After passing the nucleic acid test, he did not take a day off, and immediately devoted himself to his job.