Teller Report

The Treasury approves a moratorium for 3.4 million self-employed and SMEs to the limit and stops the collection of already domiciled payments

4/14/2020, 1:55:13 PM

Just a day before the deadline to settle the payment and 14 days after the deadline to pay taxes began, the Cabinet approved a mor

  • Covid 19.Last hour of the coronavirus in Spain
  • Covid 19.The Government will decide the delay of taxes to SMEs and self-employed just one day before the end of the term

Just a day before the deadline to settle the payment and 14 days after the term to pay the taxes began, the Cabinet approved a tax moratorium on Tuesday that will benefit, according to its estimates, 3.4 million self-employed workers and small and medium businesses.

After the many requests from the self-employed, companies, advisers and prosecutors, the Executive has decided to rectify the term limit and transfers the payment of the quarterly VAT payment, the fractional payment of Corporation Tax, as well as the personal income tax until May 20 . And for those companies that had already made the direct debit, the Government clarifies that the charge will not be made until the same day, the 20th of next month .

"In the case of domiciled declarations, the term is also extended by one month and goes from April 15 to May 15. Regardless of the time of filing, all charges will be made on May 20. That also includes the filed declarations. before the 15th of this month, "explains the Ministry of Finance.

"In this way, the Government shows its commitment to SMEs and the self-employed , which make up the bulk of the productive fabric of Spain. In fact, the measure approved today will benefit 3.4 million taxpayers, who represent 95% of companies and self-employed who they must present their tax declaration in April. In practice, this moratorium represents a liquidity of 3,558 million for SMEs and the self-employed, "adds the department led by María Jesús Montero.

In fact, the Government spokesperson and Finance Minister herself reviewed at the press conference after the Council of Ministers the measures that the Executive has taken in favor of the self-employed, thus facing the criticism it has received from an important part of these workers. In this sense, he explained that the lines of loans from the Official Credit Institute (ICO) with public guarantees have already injected 6,129 million euros among SMEs, the self-employed and large companies.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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